lost him

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Jungkook is crying mess . He doesn't know what to do.

Should he blame mina for this? Should he blame himself?

Should he act like what namjoon said?

But, why should he, mina knows everything about jungkook except the name of his boyfriend.

Jungkook cry himself to sleep in living room.

Namjoon was also no better than, jungkook he was worst.

He was walking in road crying and getting stare from people.

Should he leaves jungkook for good or fight for love.

But after what mina says it's for jungkook safety.

Namjoon loves jungkook so much that he can bear this separation.

But, jungkook can't handle it.

Its been two years now, namjoon disappear in thin air.

No one is able to contact him, when suga and jimin knew about the truth they were made.

Jungkook become so cold and he barely go home.

After, that incident mina and jungkook doesn't share same floor anymore.

Jungkook is holding only for his little baby which is just 2 years old.

She was the one, who make him smile after namjoon.

Mina was gulity and sad for both namjoon and jungkook.

But, she knows its for namjoon safety.

Mina, have husband but, doesn't feel like it.

She regrets her decision now. The decision to have good family for her daughter.

If she let go of jungkook, she might be in someone else arm.

The arm which is full of love and care.

After being separated from jungkook namjoon was now working in Busan.

He established his own business from the money jungkook used to gave him.

The business was small at beginning but, its reaching height now.

" Sir, we have fixed meeting with our new partner in Seoul now."

" When?"

" It's day after tomorrow,sir?"

With that the lady walk out. Namjoon just lost in his memories.

" Seoul."

Namjoon said that in his low voice.

Seoul carry his first love, first best friend and Frist break up.

" He must happy with his family."

"Sir, our new partner from Busan is here."

"Okay, please let them rest for a minute."

Jungkook said with a cold voice after getting messages from his secretary.

Didn't know why but, his heart was beating fast then other days.

" Welcome, to jeon automobile and technology."

Jungkook said with his cold voice. While someone just frozen after listening the voice.

"Mr.kim, mr.jeon is here."

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