Where Did Donald Go ?

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It was just like any ordinary day in Duckburg , and Delilah had just woken up . She sat up in bed and stretched her arms high above her head . Rubbing her eyes , she adjusted her vision to see the surroundings of her bedroom . The pictures strung upon her wall , the plushies on her bed , and her new twin sisters , May and June , in their bunk bed on the other side of her bedroom . She smiled fondly as her sisters slept , excited to finally have someone to call sisters . Delilah got out of bed and did her usual morning routine : she changed her clothes , brushed her teeth , and finally went out to the living room of the houseboat .
    " Good morning , sweetheart ! " Daisy greeted her . She was making some breakfast for the girls . " Good morning mom ! " Delilah replied cheerfully , walking over to her mother's side to see what she was making - fluffy buttermilk pancakes . " Your father went out to do some garden work for your Uncle Scrooge , " Daisy said while she cooked , her eyes not leaving the kitchen stove . " Oh , okay ! " Delilah responded softly . She was a little disappointed - she had wanted to spend all day with her dad since they're always too busy adventuring and never really get to spend time together . She went ahead and sat down at the dining booth next to the kitchen . As she did , May and June walked up the stairs from their room ; June rubbed her eyes sleepily . " Good morning girls ! " Daisy called out as she served Delilah her pancakes . Beside her , Daisy set two more plates of pancakes . " Good morning mom !! " June said happily as she went and sat down to eat her pancakes . May cautiously followed behind , and sat down slowly in front of her pancakes . " Good morning ,, Daisy ,, " May said a little monotone . Ever since Heron's death , May had refused to ever refer to anyone else as mom - even if Heron wasn't really a mom to begin with . " Darling , I told you ! You don't have to keep calling me Daisy ! " Daisy giggled and patted May's head , to which May pushed her hand away .
    Delilah quickly finished up her pancakes and ran to the stairs of the houseboat - then adjusted her hat . " Well mom , I'm off to go see dad ! I'll see you guys later ! "
    " Alright sweetie , be safe ! " Daisy called back up the stairs - " Bye bye !! " June exclaimed with a mouthful of pancakes .
    Delilah opened the houseboat's door and sprinted across the deck , running through Scrooge's backyard all the way out to his gardens , but there was no one there . Delilah looked around at the foliage and flowers all across acre - Donald nor Scrooge were anywhere to be found . Thinking they may have gone inside , she entered the manor and was greeted by Webby . " Hey Delilah ! " Webby called out , but Delilah couldn't see her . " Webby ? Where are you ? " Delilah asked while looking around . " Up here !! " Delilah looked up and there was Webby , hanging off the giant chandelier on the ceiling . Using very precise moves , Webby was able to make her way safely back to the ground " Whatcha doin' here ? "
" Well ,, I wanted to know if Scrooge and my dad might've come inside from their gardening work . " Delilah responded , fiddling around with her fingers a little . She really hoped her dad was okay . " Oh , well Scrooge went to his office , if you wanna see him ! But I don't know where Donald is . " Webby gave Delilah a quick little hug and went back to climbing up the stair railing and back up to the chandelier. " Hope you find him though ! " Delilah sighed and went through the maze of a house the manor was to find Scrooge's office . There had only been very few times where Delilah was in his office , she tried to avoid it so as to not to disturb him . But for her father's sake , she decided she would have to .
    Carefully , Delilah opened the door to Scrooge's office . " Uncle Scrooge ? " She asked , peeking through the door a little nervously . " Oh , Delilah ! There you are ! " Scrooge said as he got up from his desk . " Donald was just wondering about you . " Delilah fully came out from behind the door , approaching Scrooge a little . " He was ? Where is he ? Where did he go ? " Delilah asked a little desperately - which she didn't mean to sound clingy . But she was worried about Donald ; After all , she had spent most of her life away from him and didn't want to relive that time anymore than she had to . " Calm down lass ! He just said he was going to go down to the bank to take out some money . " Scrooge put his hand on her shoulder and began to walk around with her . " But don't worry , your father is fine . I know how worried you are about him . " He reassured her and stroked her long hair gently . " Thanks , Uncle Scrooge , " Delilah said softly . She gave him a hug and left his office . Now she knew where her next destination would be - the bank . As she speed walked down the hall , she ran into Huey .
    " Hey Delilah , have you seen your dad ? I need his help with this project I'm doing to earn my Junior Woodchuck Paper Mâché Mastery badge . " He asked her , holding a poorly made paper mâché castle on a tray . " Actually , I'm just about to go see him at the bank ! Wanna come with me ? " Delilah asked partly because , even though she didn't want to admit it , she was afraid to go alone . " Alright , I'll go - but let me find a place to put my castle first . " Huey replied . As he went back down the hall to put his project away , Delilah stood there and waited . When Huey finally came back , the two ducks began their journey down to the Duckburg National Bank . Just as they were about to open the front doors though , they ran into Louie . " Where are you two headed ? " He asked Huey and Delilah . " We're going to see Uncle Donald at the bank ! What were you doing out there ? " Huey replied . Louie put his hoodie on and began to walk up the stairs . " I was gonna go to Funso's , but this really gross green fog was all over town - it smelled terrible and I couldn't even see that well anyways . " As he said this , he finally vanished behind the walls of the mansion , and both Delilah and Huey looked at each other . " Maybe we should wear a mask ? " Delilah recommended , and Huey nodded his head in agreement . The two ducks put on their masks and continued to make their way down the big hill and into town , but as they reached the top and looked over Duckburg , they too could see the green , mysterious fog that Louie had described just a few moments earlier .

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