Delilah's Decision

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As Delilah walked back to the houseboat , she thought about what she would tell her mom and sisters . Everything had been fine after Bradford's defeat , but then all of a sudden this happens ? She hoped that her dad was okay , and while he had been in similar situations before , she still felt really uneasy . The sun was now setting , and Delilah walked down the stairs of her father's houseboat . There she saw Daisy reading to May and June . " Delilah ! There you are ! Have you found your father yet ? " Her mother asked her lovingly . " Yeah , where's dad !? " June asked , looking around excitedly . " We haven't seen him all day , " May added . The two girls must have noticed Delilah's expression , and soon they too both began to realize what was going on . Delilah got up from the couch , putting her book down and hugging the three girls . " It's okay my darlings , I'm sure Donald will be back soon . " She whispered reassuringly . " Do you really think so , mom ? " Delilah asked shakily , holding onto Daisy's dress . " Of course , I'm positive ! Plus , nothing's ever stopped him before . Now , you three get ready for bed . I'll stay out here and wait for Donald to come home . " Daisy kissed her daughters' foreheads and sent them off down the stairs to their room . As May and June sleepily went to change into their pajamas , Delilah dragged behind . She didn't want to tell her mom about Donald's true whereabouts , but at the same time she had to tell someone .
In her room , May and June were on the bottom bunk of their bunk bed , talking about random things that happened throughout the day . When Delilah walked in , the mood seemed to change as her gloomy presence spread throughout the room . " Hey ,, Delilah ? What's wrong ? You've been sad ever since you came home . " May asked , putting one of her hands on Delilah's shoulder . " Yeah sis !! What's wrong ? Why are you sad ? " June pouted . Delilah closed her eyes and sighed , then turned to face her sisters . " Dad ,, was kidnapped " She revealed softly . May and June gasped , then both began to share Delilah's sadness . " How did he get kidnapped ? By who ?? " June asked sadly . " Why would anyone want to kidnap him ? Most people can BARELY understand him ! " May said as she put her hands on her hips , all the while June slumped sadly on the edge of her bed . " A goddess kidnapped him ! Eris ! But I don't know why she did it , I just know she wants to fill the world with despair and strife , " Delilah continued to explain what Scrooge and Huey had told her to her sisters , and they listened carefully . '' So how are we gonna get him back ? " June asked . " Well , Scrooge said he and the others were gonna look for him tomorrow ! So there's absolutely nothing to worry about . " May said confidently as she climbed up the ladder to her bed on the top bunk . " Yeah ,,, right ,, " Delilah said softly , almost to herself . She turned out the lights to her room and exchanged goodnights with her sisters , then laid herself in bed . Overtime , May and June began falling asleep , but Delilah could do everything but fall asleep . She stared up at the ceiling , nothing illuminating her room but the pool lights from the window on the boat . The only sound was the sound of her sisters' soft snoring .
After another while of lying in bed restlessly , Delilah couldn't take it anymore . For months , everyone in her family had treated her like a baby - all because she was young . She never felt like she was a great adventurer , but now was her chance . She wasn't just going to wait for Scrooge to help find her dad , she was going to do it herself . Delilah got out of bed and packed up her most important items - a sleeping bag ( because she had no idea how long this would take ) , water , food , and a few other necessities . However , while she was finding things to bring she accidentally tripped over one of June's plushies and fell , causing a loud *thud* to be heard throughout the room . Delilah cringed , and just as she feared , someone was waking up . " Delilah ? " May questioned , sleepily sitting up in bed and removing her sleep mask from her eyes . " Uhh ,, " Delilah awkwardly backed up a little into her dresser while sweating a little . " What are you doing with all that stuff ? " Now May was descending the ladder of the top bunk , and Delilah closed her eyes tight . " I ,,, I'm going to find dad ,, " She said finally . " What !? Are you crazy !?? You don't even know where he is !! " May whisper-yelled to Delilah as to not wake June up . " I do know !! That golden compass in Scrooge's office - I have to get it !! " Delilah refuted back . " No ! You don't !! Just go back to bed , he's okay ! " Delilah looked into May's eyes and May looked back at her . There was a glint of worry in May's eyes . " No ,,, I have to ,, " Delilah whispered somberly .
" Ugh , what is it with you and just not letting things go ? Dad is FINE , trust me !! " May whispered , a hint of anger in her voice . As Delilah watched May go back up her ladder , she couldn't help but feel like she was boiling inside . She tried her hardest to contain her anger - she didn't want to blow up at her own sister , especially at night . She clenched her fists tight and turned around , and with as calm of a voice that she was able to manage at the moment , she simply replied , " I've already been away from him for most of my life , I don't want to be away from him any longer . " She turned back around to see that May had already laid back down in her bed , and Delilah let out a long sigh of relief . She packed up the rest of her stuff and silently tip-toed up towards the stairs that lead out of the houseboat . Delilah stood at the base of the stairs , looking up to face the houseboat's front door . She knew that now was her only chance to turn back if she wanted to , and she hesitated ; But her heart was set on her mission , and with a gulp she began to walk up the stairs . Before she could make it halfway up the stairs , she heard a voice behind her . " Delilah ? " It was June . Delilah turned to face her youngest sister standing in the kitchen . " Please be safe . " June called out softly to her while waving gently . " I will , " Delilah whisper-called back , and the two exchanged smiles to one another before Delilah turned back around and opened the front door .

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