Attack of the Giant Velvet Worm

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The sun shone bright through the large glass window of the kids' bedroom , and they all woke up nice and early . Now that Delilah finally found what she was looking for , she could at last continue their adventure to find her dad . She pulled the compass out from her bag just to make sure it was okay and just as she expected , the needle continued pointing east . However , it did look a little dim . Odd , considering the compass had been just fine the past few days , but just in case she opened to check on it . The glowing black feather that had been placed inside it to find Eris's location was now halfway gone , consumed by the compass to help power it . Her eyes widened , and she grabbed at Dewey and Webby . " You guys , we have to hurry and get going ! " She hyperventilated , and Webby put her hand on her shoulder . " Hey , calm down Delilah ! What's wrong ? " She asked . Delilah showed her the compass's insides , and Webby too started to get a little unnerved . " Well , I guess you're right then . We have been here for a while already - " As Webby spoke , there were cries and screams heard from outside . On high alert , the kids ran out to see what was the problem . Buildings were falling and crashing near the gates , and Charleen had already sent her knights after whatever was causing the problem .
Standing in front of the castle gates , Dewey noticed Amira - her eyes wide . He ran up to her , Delilah and Webby following behind him , and he asked her , " Princess ! What's going on ? "
" There's a velvet worm attack near the front of the kingdom ! My mom and her knights are trying to fight it , and I want to help but she won't let me ,, " Amira looked down at the ground , a little bit of anger burning in her eyes . " She isn't here now though , so you can help her ! " Webby encouraged . The young peacock shook her head and sighed . " I can't ,, she said princesses aren't supposed to fight , which is so dumb ! I want to help protect the kingdom too , they're all my future subjects , " Dewey looked off into the distance of the noise . There was a giant velvet worm attacking the walls , and Charleen was there , but he thought for a moment and grabbed two swords from two of the decorative armor stands in front of the castle . He then handed Amira a sword . " Well , queens aren't supposed to fight either ! But y'know what ? Your mom's fighting anyway ! So whaddya say ? Wanna help fight with us ? " Dewey said , Webby and Delilah standing by his side supportively . The young princess looked down at the sword in her hands , then took a deep breath . " Alright , let's do it " She smiled at the kids and they smiled back , then with courage and motivation in their chests , they ran down the stairs towards the front of the kingdom's gates .
Once the kids had arrived at the scene , they could see the giant velvet worm from the day before . Delilah could tell it was the same one because of the rope indents on its squishy flesh from being tied to the ground . Some of its many legs were climbing on the wall , causing cracks and debris to fall from the top . The knights that had escorted the kids to the castle were trying to control the giant creature with their spears , but nothing was working . Off to the side was Queen Charleen , her staff tight in her hands , trying the best she could to help . Unbeknownst to her , a large chunk of the wall had fallen off right behind her . " Your majesty , look out ! " Webby called to her , and she and Delilah rushed over to push her out of the way . Delilah grabbed one of her hands and Webby led them into the forest a little bit , just so they would be in a more secure spot .
Now that the Queen had been relocated , the giant velvet worm stopped in its tracks then turned off the wall and crawled after her . Dewey noticed this , and with his best knight impression called out " Chaaarge !! " Almost immediately he ran after the worm and swung the sword in his hands like crazy , doing whatever he could to slow it down . As he did , Amira followed right behind him , her sword shaking in her hands . " I've never used a sword before ! " She yelled out in fear . " Neither have I ! " Dewey replied excitedly , climbing up the worm . The giant worm was now writhing and wriggling around violently , and Dewey used all the strength in his one hand to hold on . Amira dropped the heavy sword in defeat and bent down a little , trying to catch her breath . Delilah and Webby were now having to bring the queen somewhere else as the worm drew closer , and Amira noticed something peculiar . Whenever Charleen would wave her staff , the worm almost seemed to follow it . That's when she realized - the worm wasn't after the kingdom , nor was it after the Queen - it was after whatever was in her staff !
Amira left the sword where it was and ran after the three girls . " Mom ! " She called out to the queen . " Amira ? What are you doing here ? I told you to stay in the castle ! " Her mother responded , stopping where she was while Webby and Delilah tried to move her .
" I know , but - " Amira stammered .
" No buts , it's for your own safety ! " Charleen placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder .
" I don't want the same thing that happened to your father happen to you , "
Amira lowered her eyelids sadly , but before she could explain herself to her mom , the worm was getting even closer . " Woah ! " Dewey cried as he struggled to hold onto the worm any longer - it was going so fast . " Dewey ! What are you doing !? " Webby shrieked , just now realizing what he was doing . " You're gonna hurt yourself !! " Delilah added , bringing her hands up over her mouth . " Don't worry you guys , this is all part of the plan ! " Dewey responded . He put the handle of the sword in his mouth ( which was extremely heavy ) and climbed up the back of the worm . The worm was letting out cries to be heard from miles and was wiggling around so fast the ground under it shook . Its attempts to throw Dewey off were useless , as he finally managed to get higher up on top of the worm . He then drew his sword , but was stopped by Amira's words below . " Don't hurt it anymore ! I think I know what it's after , " She reached over to her mother and grabbed her staff , then took the shiny gem-like egg in the center . " Amira ! Put that down this instant ! " Her mother called after her , but Webby and Delilah held her back .
Amira slowed down and began to gradually make her way closer to the worm . The cries it let out hurt her ears terribly , and there was debris everywhere - but she knew what she had to do . Holding the gem out as far away from her as she could , she got even closer to the worm . " What is she doing ? " Charleen said as she struggled to get out of the younger girls' grasp . " Calm down your majesty ! It's okay , I think she knows what she's doing , " Webby reassured her while Delilah patted her arms calmingly , and the queen decided she had no choice but to let it happen . Amira approached the worm even closer , and with the gentlest touch she could manage , she softly placed her hand on the velvet worm's chest . As soon as she touched it , the worm stopped , and she could feel it's heavy breathing against her palm . She soothingly shushed it and calmed it down , and the worm gradually lowered itself back to the ground . While this all happened , Dewey climbed off the worm and joined the others to watch what was going to happen next .
Once the worm had calmed , Amira then pulled out the gem in front of the worm and handed it to it . The large creature took the gem in its mouth and as if right on time , the gem from the queen's staff began to hatch . The kids gasped and Charleen's gaze never left the sight as a small , baby velvet worm crawled on the floor to its mother . The two worms shared affectionate squeaks and almost as if it were acknowledging Amira , nodded its head and calmly walked back into the depths of the forest from which it came with its newborn baby on its back .
" You did it princess ! You saved the whole kingdom ! " Dewey shouted encouragingly , which was then followed by cheers from Webby , Delilah , and even the rest of the kingdom . Amira blushed shyly , and her mother gently grabbed her hands . " My dear , I'm sorry for everything , " Charleen began , but Amira shook her head . " No mom , you don't need to be sorry . I know you were just trying to protect me , and you've done a good job , but I'm getting older now and I can do things for myself . " The queen smiled at her daughter , and she smiled back . Then the two gave each other a warm embrace , thankful that the other was safe .
Delilah and Webby ran to catch up with Dewey , who was still holding the sword . " Man , wish I had one of these ! I bet I'd be the best sword fighter ever - just like my mom ! " He then swung the sword around and leaned to the floor a little from the weight . Webby giggled and grabbed the sword from his hands . " Maybe someday , Dewey . "
" I don't even think Aunt Della is a sword fighter ,, " Delilah added .
A few hours later and the kids had changed into their freshly cleaned clothes from the day before , and they were now ready to depart . However , before they could leave , the queen requested to see them outside of the castle . When they arrived , the queen and Amira were waiting for them . " Dearest Dewey , Webbigail , and Delilah , as the queen of this kingdom I would like to give you each a gift to thank you for what you did to help today . " The queen reached over to a box that one of her maids was holding and handed it to Webby . " For you Webbigail , a medal of honor to show your family when you get home . Your father would be very proud . " The queen said as Webby opened the box to reveal a shiny , pure gold medal with the kingdom's crest engraved into it . " Wow , thank you , your majesty ! " she then bowed and put the medal on . That was when the queen faced Delilah . " For Delilah , I give you an authentic Peaconian crown . I know how much you've always wanted to be a princess , so when you are here , you shall be treated as one . " Charleen placed a small yet beautiful golden crown on Delilah's head , and she was so honored that Delilah couldn't speak any words - so to show her gratitude , she shakily bowed and admired her crown . " And for you Dewey , I can grant you the highest honor a lone queen can bestow . " As Dewey excitedly awaited his gift , the queen turned around and pulled out two things - one being a magnificently crafted sword and the other being a great shield . She handed him the gifts and placed her now empty staff above his head . " I , Queen Charleen of Peaconia , hereby anoint thee Dewford Duck as an honorary knight in training . Return when you are older and you can become a real knight . " The queen lifted her staff and continued . " I would also like to consider it a thanks for helping my daughter break out of her shell , she's always been very shy . " Dewey looked at his sword and shield with shiny eyes and bowed . " It was an honor , your majesty , " He said smiling . The queen smiled back and bowed to the three children respectively , and Amira did the same .
" It's a shame you three can't stay , " Amira sighed . " This truly is an amazing kingdom , I think you would all like it . "
" I like it !! " Webby exclaimed excitedly , moving her medal around in the sunlight . " Maybe we can come back after our adventure ! " Dewey suggested , sheathing his sword and shield and carrying them on his back . " That would be nice , " Delilah said as she placed her new crown carefully in her bag . " But we have to get going you guys , the compass could lose power ! " She showed the others the dim compass , and Dewey's eyes were filled with a hint of sadness . " Alright you guys , c'mon , " He motioned to the others and Delilah and Webby followed quickly behind .
Now exiting the gates of the kingdom , the kids turned one last time to say a final goodbye to their new friends . The queen and kids exchanged their farewells , and Amira hugged them all goodbye . While she hugged Dewey , he quietly said to her , " Maybe in the future , I can be your knight in shining armor ! " The young princess chuckled softly and responded , " That would be nice , " After all was said and done , Delilah led her cousins back into the forest , away from the peacock kingdom , and out of sight .

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