One Small Thing

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When their ears had finally stopped ringing , Donald , Dewey , and Webby uncovered them and looked up . Delilah lay there on the floor , weak . Her family ran over to her , helping her sit up on her knees . As her eyes adjusted to the sight in front of her , she could make out the pile of ash that used to be Eris . As the four stared somberly at the pile , they shared a moment of silence .
" I guess the love was too much for her , " Dewey said jokingly , but no one laughed and he eventually went back to being quiet .
The silence didn't last for long though , as without Eris then her land could no longer function properly . The ceiling began to fall , obsidian pillars tumbling down to the ground like card towers . " We need to get out of here ! " Donald quacked , grabbing Delilah in his arms and running out through one of the holes in the walls that just formed . Hoping for the best ,Dewey and Webby followed quickly behind , rocks and debris scratching them on the way out . Loud sounds of rock rubbing against rock and glass echoed throughout the tunnel as they made their way back out the cave from before , making it a point to stay as close and huddled to each other as possible in order to avoid the sharp and spiky rocks on the walls . Spikes and dirt fell from the ceiling all around them , their legs carrying themselves as fast as they could out of the cave . Even while running , it took them an incredible amount of time until they finally came out to the surface , the cold air giving them a shock after spending so much time in the warmth of the Earth's core .
As soon as they felt they were a good way's away from the terrible cave , they turned to watch as the cave's entrance itself crumbled to the floor , blocking off the way to Eris's lair for all of eternity .
The three collapsed to the floor , exhausted and breathing heavily . Delilah hugged her father tight , sobbing harder than she ever had before . " I'm sorry dad , I just wanted you to be safe , " she repeated over and over . " It's okay Delilah , I am , no more crying , okay ? " Donald cooed at his daughter , petting her head and stroking her messy hair . Dewey and Webby hugged them too , and Donald wrapped his arm around the three of them and they all shared a group hug .
For a while there was nothing but crying , not only from Delilah but from the others as well , all out of relief that that was over . Delilah though , for the most part , cried the most . Donald wiped Delilah's face and smiled softly , but then looked around . They were by the misty canyon and there wasn't anything to be seen through the mist .
" I guess the only thing we have left to worry about now is how are gonna get back to the mansion ? " Donald quacked confusedly .
" Huh , I guess you're right - how are we gonna get home ? " Webby asked .
" Do you kids need a lift ? " A familiar voice called from above . All four of them looked up and saw the Sunchaser flying above them , carefully bringing itself lower to the ground . Once it had finally landed , Scrooge stepped off of it .
" Uncle Scrooge ! " Dewey and Delilah called out , running over to him and giving him a hug . " How did you find us ? " Donald asked , bringing Webby over with him .
" I just followed the location of the tracking device I may or may not have put in Webby's backpack , " Scrooge replied .
" ,,, The what ?? " Webby tilted her head confusedly .
" Anyway , we should get you guys home ! You must be starving , and Donald you smell ! " Scrooge paraded the four of them into the plane , and soon they were on their way back to Duckburg .

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Delilah sat in one of the plane's seats , looking down at her torn skirt and scratched knees . Her hair was a mess - the first thing she wanted to do when she got back was take a shower . As she fiddled around with the bracelet on her wrist , she felt the sudden presence of someone next to her . She turned to see who it might be , and it was none other than Scrooge . " Uncle Scrooge , I'm really sorry for not listening to you ,, I should've waited , and maybe if I did then the others wouldn't have gotten hurt like this , " Delilah apologized .
" While yes , you should've listened to me , I think what you did was very brave , at least in your own way . " The old duck replied .
" W,, what ? " Delilah questioned , a little surprised .
" A normal person would've just listened , would've just followed . But you , YOU my dear , lead . You lead Dewey and Webby all the way out the center of the Earth , even though you were scared . THAT , is true bravery . " Scrooge commented , petting the small duck's head .
" You really think so ,, ? " Delilah's eyes watered a little as she spoke .
" Of course ! You're a very determined adventurer , just like your father . "
Delilah leapt out of her seat and hugged her great uncle's waist , small tears forming in her eyes as she felt him hug back . The only thing she'd ever wanted was to be a good adventurer , and here Scrooge McDuck himself had called her one . She had never felt more happy in her life , and in that moment it felt as if nothing else mattered .

The End

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