A Day Out at Sea

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The sun was now rising , and Delilah thought that now would be safe to go through the front door . Quietly , Webby unlocked the mansion's front door and the kids began to walk down to the beach on the east side of the mansion . Once they got down to the shore , Delilah turned to her companions . " Are you guys sure you want to come with me ? What if people notice we're missing ? " She asked . Dewey and Webby looked at each other , then back at Delilah . " Well , it's not like we can let you do this by yourself ! " Webby said as she put her hand on Delilah's shoulder . " Yeah ! And besides , no one's noticed when we've gone off adventuring before ! " Dewey added , putting his other hand on Delilah's other shoulder . Delilah smiled at them sweetly and hugged them both . " Thanks you guys, " she said softly . " Of course ! That's what family's for ! " Webby replied . The three shared a group hug for a few seconds before continuing on their quest . " Is the compass still pointing east ? " Dewey asked while Webby went and wandered off to the side . " Yeah , but how are we gonna cross the ocean ? " Delilah responded , turning to look at the vast blue sea in front of them . " Oh ! I know ! Dewey , where is that boat you and your brother's took that one time ? " Webby asked as she came back towards the others . " Oh , that ? It's in Uncle Scrooge's garage, " Dewey replied . " You guys stay here , I'll go get it ! " Webby said as she skipped off back up the hill towards the mansion .
Dewey and Delilah sat down on the sand , taking in the fresh morning air . Turning back towards Duckburg , Delilah could still see the faint color of green as the mysterious gas Eris had unleashed upon the town remained . " Dewey , " Delilah broke the silence . " Do you think we'll be able to find my dad ? Over the course of all this time I still can't decide whether or not this is all just gonna become one big failure , " Delilah vented to him , pouring out all her doubts and clearing her mind . " Of course we'll find him ! We're the Duck family after all , nothing can stop us ! " Dewey said supportively , wrapping his arm around Delilah in a family hug . Delilah smiled and hugged him back . " Thanks Dewey , that makes me feel at least a little better , " The two chatted for a little bit longer , all while watching the waves go by . After a while , webby came back from the manor , dragging Huey , Dewey , and Louie's rowboat behind her .
" You got it ! " Dewey said excitedly as he began dropping his stuff into the boat . " Yup ! But we should hurry , I think Scrooge found out that we stole the compass , " Webby said as she got inside . Delilah dropped off her stuff in the boat and climbed in , then Dewey pushed the boat into the water . " Alright guys , we just have to keep going east ! " Delilah said , holding the compass out for the others to sea . " Sounds easy to me ! " Dewey said while grabbing the oars and starting to paddle . As Webby and Dewey carefreely talked about random things , Delilah watched as the mansion and the Money Bin slowly faded out of view . Now , it really was too late for her to turn back , but she knew what she wanted . She looked down at the compass that was still pointing east and let out a small sigh .
The hours passed and there was nothing but ocean for the eye to see . Whenever Dewey would get tired of rowing he would switch the oars to Webby , and from Webby to Delilah . All three of them would tell stories or tales about their past and Delilah would tell about her time with Daisy , Dewey would tell about his time growing up with Donald and his brothers , and Webby would spend time reminiscing on the times when it was just her , Mrs. Beakley , and Scrooge . Overall , traveling across the ocean wasn't so bad . Delilah began to think of what might have happened if she had done all this by herself ; she'd be lonely , doing nothing but rowing by herself with no one to talk to . As the kids kept going farther and farther out east , Dewey noticed something peculiar in the sky . " Is it just me or can you guys see that weird mist too ? " Dewey said , pointing out towards the mysterious fog in front of them . Indeed , there was a grey mist ahead of them , but what other choice did they really have ? " It'll be alright , don't worry ! We'll just be extra careful when going through it , there can't be that much mist . " Delilah said confidently as she motioned towards Webby ( who at this point had the oars , ) to keep going forward .
Upon entering the mist , it became quite clear that it would be very difficult to navigate through it . It was a heavy mist , and the waters were covered in a thick layer of grey mist . Webby was now rowing a lot slower than before , carefully moving through the murky waters of the strange new place . It was eerily quiet , the only sound to be heard was the sound of the boat swishing through the water . On both sides of them the kids could see long , spindly rocks poking out through the dark sea . As Webby continued to paddle the small boat through the mist , there was a sudden sound in the distance . It was faint and far away , but she could hear it . It sounded like singing . Before Webby could say anything about it , however , there was a loud *crash* and the water splashed against the sides of the boat . The impact wasn't powerful but it was strong enough to cause Delilah to loosen her grip on the compass , allowing it to fly into the air and into the waters below . " Oh no ! The compass ! " Delilah said panicked . Without thinking , she jumped into the water to swim right after it . " Delilah , wait ! " Webby called out to her , but her words soon became gurgled as Delilah swam deeper .
Quickly and methodically slipping through the water just like she used to do when she was younger , Delilah caught a glimpse of the compass in front of her . The water was extremely cold but Delilah's sheer amount of determination kept her from freezing . Keeping her eyes open as much as she could she swam faster and faster to catch up with the compass , but to her surprise something pushed her up and when she regained her posture , a dark shadow crossed between her and the compass and in one small swoop , the compass was gone .

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