Rainy Nights

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The kids ended up walking a majority of the day and their legs were now really tired . Throughout their walk they saw nothing but forest , no longer tropical , and it stretched on for miles . Eventually it started to become dark , and the kids looked for a place to stay .
" The forest sure does look scary at night , " Delilah said aloud . " Don't worry , if anything tries to come get us I'll attack them with my new sword ! " Dewey replied , swinging his still very big sword around . Ever since they left Peaconia , Dewey had been practicing with his sword in the back of the line - cutting small leaves and branches while he did . The three kids looked around , trying to find a place to rest when at last they spotted a small overhang under a cliff . " What about over there ? " Webby asked , pointing to the little cave . " Aww ,, it's tiny and cute ! We can stay there , " Delilah squealed as she set her stuff down under the cliff . " It could use some pillows , " Dewey said , patting the hard , cold floor underneath . Delilah laid out some blankets she had stuffed in her bag in response . As the three ducklings sat under their rocky ceiling , they were finally able to relax after the events of the past few days .
" What do you think everyone at home is doing ? " Dewey asked to fill the silence . " Probably looking for us , " Webby responded , looking into the forest . " I hope Scrooge is okay ,, "
" Why don't you call him dad anymore ? " Dewey questioned .
" I don't know , it's just ,, weird . All my life I grew up calling him ' mr. ' or ' uncle ' ,, I guess I still have to get used to this whole " Scrooge is my dad " thing ,, " Webby pulled her knees up to her chest and looked at the sky . Dark clouds were starting to cover the sun .
" I know how that feels , " Delilah replied softly as she scooted over to Webby's side . " When I was reunited with my dad for the first time , it felt weird calling him dad ,,, but over time , you get used to it . " She then gently wrapped her arm around Webby , and in return Webby leaned her head on her shoulder . " Thanks Delilah , "
Delilah gave her friend and newfound cousin a smile , then just as quickly as it came , it faded . She stared off into the distance , rain now starting to pour , and sighed a little . " Do you guys think my dad is okay ? " She asked , turning to look at Dewey and Webby . " Of course he's okay ! Uncle Donald has been through a lot of crazy things , and the situation he's in right now is actually pretty mundane . " Dewey responded , feeling the front of his new shield . " And what's more , your dad was one of the greatest adventurers ever ! I'm sure he's doing just fine , " Webby added , smiling reassuringly at Delilah . " But , what if Eris is doing something to him ? Or whoever has him ? We don't even know if it's Eris , I just thought so because of a feather , " Delilah rubbed her arm somberly and stared at the ground . She took the compass out of her bag and looked at its dimming glow , the needle still pointing east .
" Well , if by the end of this journey we discover it's not Eris who has your dad , then Scrooge and the others will probably have already found him , but from all the clues we've had , I think it has to be her . " Webby gently patted Delilah's back , and Delilah put the compass back in her bag .
" I guess you're right , " She said quietly . There was another moment of silence , nothing being said with just the sound of the rain splashing against the forest floor in between . Suddenly , Delilah felt a hand on her shoulder .
" We'll find him , " Dewey spoke encouragingly , " It'll be okay , "
Dewey and Webby both placed their hands on Delilah's shoulders and smiled , and in return , Delilah pulled them both in for a warm hug .
Afterwards , the kids watched the rain pour from the sky . It wasn't heavy rain , but it wasn't sprinkling either . Usually Delilah was frightened by the rain , but right now , being alone with her closest cousins , she felt relaxed .
" Webby , do you ever miss May and June ? " She asked , adjusting the blankets she had laid down on her lap .
" Sometimes , " Webby responded , " but then I remember that you take good care of them , " Webby then playfully squished Delilah's cheek and she giggled . " And besides , at least I get to spend time with them either way ! "
" Yeah , you're right ,, " Delilah trailed off and became quiet . Then she asked , " Does it ever feel weird knowing you're a clone ? "
There was a short pause as Webby thought for a moment before responding , " At first yeah ,,, I didn't feel like I was a , well , y'know , real person but ,,,, after all the time I spent with your guys' family , I don't think it really mattered . "
" Of course it doesn't matter , " Dewey interjected . " you're our family , and whether you're a ' real ' person or not , we all still love you , "
" Aw , thanks Dewey ! " Webby gave him a hug and as they embraced , Delilah couldn't help but feel that maybe Webby was lying . Living with a past like hers must have been very difficult to deal with , especially the revelation that she , along with May and June , were clones created in a lab .
Time went by and the kids started to fall asleep . Webby and Dewey had already been asleep for a while , which was exactly when Delilah started to read more of the book she had gotten from the library . She pulled the dusty book out of her bag and wiped off the debris still left over on its cover , careful to flip the pages gently to prevent the old paper from ripping . She continued right where she left off , looking at the pictures and drawings of what was supposedly Eris's residence . There were tales from past adventurers who dared attempt to confront the goddess , how even before they could get close their deepest , darkest fears would flash in front of them and come true . They were terrified , even before making their way down the long , dark tunnel leading to Eris herself . Delilah shivered , thinking about it . She pretended to be one of the adventurers , all of her nightmares being brought to life . Soon , she herself would be in that place . But then she asked herself , did she really have any fears ? yes , she was afraid of losing her dad , but ,,, he was already gone . What else scared her ? And just how deep , how dark did the fear have to be ? How did Eris even know her fears ?
Delilah yawned and covered her mouth , her eyelids getting heavy . She put the book back in her bag and laid down on the ground , a thin blanket coming between her and the cold earth . The rain continued to pour at a steady pace - not too hard and not too soft . It was nice to have something to listen to - Delilah couldn't stand complete silence . As she laid there , staring up at the jagged rocks above her head , she slowly closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep .

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