all in | p. dameron (NSFW)

15 2 0

Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader

Word Count: 2.2k

Prompt: Strip Poker (From the Smutember 2021 Prompts)

Summary: After one win in strip sabacc, you regret your initial pride since Poe takes you to town for the rest of the evening--- both in the game and after it.

Warnings: Smutty content (don't read if underage or uncomfortable), excessive descriptions of how sabacc is played for the first 1k words or so because I had to learn how to play it for the sake of accuracy and have no other opportunity to show off that knowledge

Warnings: Smutty content (don't read if underage or uncomfortable), excessive descriptions of how sabacc is played for the first 1k words or so because I had to learn how to play it for the sake of accuracy and have no other opportunity to show of...

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"And I see your right sock and raise you my flight jacket," Poe says with a grin as he drops four chips onto the bedsheets between you.

"Check," you replied, knowing that there were only two pieces of clothing that would match his jacket by the rules the two of you set - either your bra or your panties.

With Leia forcing him to take a quick bit of rest from missions, Poe had been rather restless late into the evening, so you suggested a game or two of strip sabacc followed up by a prize, decided by whoever managed to keep all their clothes on and strip the loser of all their clothes by the end. Little did he know you were going to put off getting nude as long as possible because you had a few good ideas about what prize you wanted. So far, you'd been safe with anteing with one of your boots and then betting the other boot and a sock in the first two rounds.

You glanced between him and your cards as he - the dealer - rolled the dice. There were two positive sixes and two negative fours in your hand, so all you needed was another negative four and you'd have a rhylet, which would mean you'd have sabacc. It wasn't too bad. You had a decent chance as long as---

Groaning, you discarded your cards, "I hate doubles."

He laughed as you put your cards in the pile before dropping his own as well - a positive two and a negative one. "Aw, poor girl couldn't get a rhylet. It's okay if you lose - not like I've never seen your feet before. It just means things will definitely get fun in the next game."

As he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at you, you shook your head with a suppressed smile and took up the four cards he dealt you. To your surprise, you had two positive sevens and two negative ones. An even zero! Sabacc! Victory was in your hands. Not letting your joy show on your face, you looked up at Poe again.

"Dealer draws one, discards one," he said, dropping a negative ten onto the discard pile.

"I'll stand."

He narrowed his dark brown eyes at you with a smirk, his eyes briefly dropping to the two cards he had. "Okay, then I'm going to bet my shirt and pants."

"I see your shirt and pants, and I'll raise you my left sock, my bra, and my panties," you replied, dropping nine chips onto the pile of chips between you and Poe.

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