Chapter 5 :- Ren's Pov : The Trials, Part 1

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Light blinded me as the door opened. After my eyes adapted to the bright light, my jaw hit the ground. I was right. The garden glistened like diamonds under the moonlight. Exotic plants that I've only ever seen in books were scattered around. There was a glass cage in the middle of the garden holding a flower that shimmered. Grape vines encircled the cage, trapping it.

"We made it!" Ash exclaimed, a huge smile plastered across her face as she ran towards the cage.

"Careful!" Artina yelled, sprinting behind her.

I couldn't help but smile, we finally made it! Although we almost got caught, but still.

I turned around to find Kio smiling, a sense of relief written across his face. His smile came from deep within to light his eyes and spread to every part of him. This is the first time I've seen his genuine smile, it's... beautiful.

My heart gave a thump when he locked his amber eyes with mine but I brushed it off. It's probably the adrenaline.

"Who dares to intrude upon the royal garden" A husky voice rang through the garden raising the hair on the back of my neck.

I whipped around to find a guy with the royal golden cape. Shit, he's a guard. A sword tucked into his right hand, ready to attack.

His hair glimmered in pearl whiye as he flew past me and bolted towards the glass cage. He's incredibly fast.

I glanced towards Artina who's hand was already locked on her sword. Her eyes pierced through the guy's soul. She leaped forward but suddenly a force jerked her backwards.

"Don't!" Ash yelled, as she snapped her fingers, which forced Artina back.

"Ash?" Artrina began, when Ash slowly raised her hand, silencing Artina.

She walked towards the guy, ignoring our cries. Has she gone insane!?

The guy raised his eyebrow at her, his sword at the ready when Ash suddenly spoke


His eyes widened as his sword hit the garden floor. They know each other?

"How-" he began but was tackled into a hug by Ash. He stood there in shock , not knowing how to react.

"I missed you" Ash whispered, burying her face into his chest.

"You know him?"

"He' brother who went missing five years ago" She said, her arms still wrapped around Theo.

Five years prior (Theo's pov)

"We have to take him to grand high! We'll never be able to fix him" My mother screamed, slamming something against the table.

I looked over the corner of my bed, my siblings were fast asleep. Good, at least her yelling didn't wake them up. I tip-toed out of bed and towards the door. Why is she screaming so late at night? That's not like her.

"Please understand Odalia, Theo can't be fixed. They said it's too late" My father placed his hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down.

"I refuse to have a magic-less son! What will they say?"

Tears rolled down my cheeks before I could realise it, I swivelled around and bolted towards the backdoor.

I opened the door and took off into the night. Cold breeze brushed my face and turned my tears dry. My feet grew cold because of the snow but I didn't care. I just ran. I can't believe my own mother thought of me that way. After everything I've done...

"Theo! Wait!" I heard one of my sisters call out but I didn't turn back.

"Theo!" she screamed, when suddenly my body was thrown backwards and into her arms. I groaned when I saw a pair of emerald eyes staring back at me. Ash.

"Just leave me alone!" I shrieked, trying to break free from her grip.

"I heard what mom said, I'm sorry" she said, pulling me into a hug. "If you just listen-"


My tears flowed harder as I quickly wiped them away. "They never compared you, they always noticed your efforts. I wasn't that lucky" I dropped to my knees and buried my head in my hands. "You don't know what it's like"

"Theo!" Ash snapped her fingers in front of my face, jerking me back to the garden. The memories of all those years of mistreatment filled my body with rage.

"You all made my life hell." I spat out "I'd rather be dead than go through that again" I said, pushing her aside.

"You have no idea how worried we-"

"Shut the hell up!" I yelled and turned around to pick my sword. "Ya'll were probably happy that the pest had gone from your perfect family" I jabbed my sword deep into the dirt.

"That's not-"

"ENOUGH! You never stepped in to defend me whenever they pushed me down." I glared at her, waiting for her to deny it.

"And I regret it" she whispered and turned away. I didn't expect her to admit it..her expression made me feel like I'd done something wrong but I kept my ground. I know I'm right.

"What are you doing here anyway? You're not supposed to be here" I said, keeping my sword steady incase they tried anything funny.

"You're smart enough to figure that out" The blue haired guard scwoled, her sword clutched tight in her hand.

"The flower, I suppose?"

They all stayed silent so it's probably why they're here. Can't even hide their motives? Pathetic.

"Very well then" I sighed, throwing my sword aside. I reached into my pocket and fished out a piece of parchment and tossed it towards the prince.

He reluctantly picked it up, his eyebrows raised.

"It's in a different language" he said, passing the parchment to the blue haired guard.

"You can't read Latin? What kind of a prince are you?"

"Just because I can't read in Latin doesn't make me any less of a prince" he scowled .

"Whatever, just made my job harder" I sighed, running my hand through my hair.

Ash stayed silent throughout all of this, the guilt must be catching up to her. Good.

"You can have the Phoenix's Gaze"

A smirk creeped onto my face when the prince looked at me suspiciously.

"Not for free ofcourse" 

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