End My fight

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The shadowhunters have been preparing for a fight with the mother of all demons, Lilith as she had returned to earth again.

Magnus had been helping them from the start giving different ideas as Simon doesn't have the mark of Cain anymore.

They were preparing a strategy with the High Warlock of Brooklyn, Lorenzo and Raphael when the alarms blared.

They knew what it was and started getting ready for the battle, Magnus and Alec were in a room, Magnus helping Alec.

There was a silence in the air, not an awkward or an uncomfortable one, but an understanding one.

They knew that this might be the last fight for both of them or worse, for one of them, that's what Magnus feared the most.

He all his life was used as nothing more than a warlock puppet and had never been loved, but ever since Alec came into his life it was nothing less than pure bliss and happiness.

He loved his husband as much as his husband loved him, "Alexander?", Magnus called before going out.

Alec turned and Magnus saw the same fear in Alec's eyes, "I love you", Magnus said and he was only able to say that much.

Alec teared up a bit and kissed Magnus, "I love you too Magnus and I have been the happiest ever since I met you", Alec said choking a bit.

They had fought Valentine and Sebastian, but this war with Lilith and her followers feared Alec as much as it feared Magnus.

"Me too Alexander and I am lucky to have you as my husband", Magnus said and they shared one more passionate kiss.

Simon and Izzy had gone to find Cain and really persuade him to help them and they prayed Cain agrees to them and helps them.

"Well he was betrayed last time by that hag so we can hope he will help us right?", Jace asked meeting them outside their room.

"Let us hope", Alec said and took Magnus's hand in his and they walked out and into the battle which was happening in the middle of NYC.

"Ah! the shadowhunters", Lilith said seeing them appear and turned towards the Warlocks and Vampires.

"Children, why are you siding with them and fighting your own mother?", she asked wickedly and all winced.

"We are no children of you", Simon said who had just arrived and nodded at Alec and Izzy arrived soon after and whispered in Alec's ears.

"We have to make her strike one of us and Cain will jump in front of us and voilà", she whispered and Alec nodded.

"I'll do it", he said knowing very well that he won't risk his husband or his siblings(includes Simon and Clary) at any cost.

He also knows however much shadowhunters there are, they feared Lilith more than anything, so he was ready to face her.

Izzy hesitated but nodded after her brother gave her the Inquisitor look, Magnus noticed this secret passing between the siblings and frowned.

He felt bad, like really bad as if something wrong was going to happen to him or worse Alec, so when the war started Magnus was constantly next to Alec checking on him.

~ One hour later ~

The fight was going for an hour now and even thought the light side was winning, they were no closer to destroying Lilith.

She had planned it well and she was at the end of the fight and she wasn't even fighting instead she was commanding her demons.

This infuriated Alec, he wanted to end the fight and go home with his loved ones and Lilith wasn't helping even a bit.

He saw Izzy and suddenly a plan formed in his mind, "IZ ANYTIME NOW, TELL HIM TO BE READY AND ALERT", Alec shouted over the battle cries.

Izzy nodded and ran away to wherever Cain was and Alec turned towards Magnus who was fighting hard, but with style.

Alec chuckling launching some arrows and went a bit closer to Magnus, "I don't know how much more we can fight off... all are getting tired... and if we don't win this fight", he said hesitating rethinking his plan.

No we have to win, Alec thought, Magnus and Alec changed positions and started fighting back to back.

"Then I will fight beside you until death", Magnus said throwing a huge ball of blue fire towards a horde of demons.

"Your death will end my fight", Alec said launching five arrows at the same time and Magnus turned towards Alec in shock.

Alec turned to look at him and cupped his face, "I am so happy to have shared my vows with you", Alec said and they shared a kiss before continue to fighting when Magnus accidently slipped and Alec caught him.

"See I told you 'I will catch you when you fall'", Alec said and kissed Magnus's forehead and Magnus chuckled.

Izzy came and signaled Alec who nodded and made Magnus stand straight, before kissing him one more time.

"I love you so so much Magnus Lightwood-Bane", Alec said with so much passion it confused Magnus.

"I love you too Alexander but what is this about?", Magnus asked and threw another ball of fire towards a demon that was approaching them.

"Nothing just remember that", Alec said and they had to start fighting again since demons started gaining up on them again.

Magnus was so focused in his fight that he didn't notice Alec had moved towards Lilith in front and only he did when he heard Alec's voice.

"Lilith enough of this, fight with me and prove you are powerful", Alec said confidently and Magnus felt his world breaking slowly.

No Alec can't do this, he thought and incinerated nearly 20 demons at once clearing the field more.

"I don't want prove anything to you shadowhunter", Lilith said but all had stopped fighting and most of the demons were killed when they were distracted.

"I didn't know the mother of all demons was scared of a shadowhunter", Alec said and that hit Lilith on her ego point.

Magnus started moving to the front scared and fuming at what a stupid thing his husband was doing.

Lilith raised her hand and a huge ball of energy towards Alec, "ALEXANDER", Magnus shouted and cast a protective shield around Alec immediately.

Even though, it was not needed as Cain had jumped a few feet before Alec and Lilith's ball of energy reflected back and exploded her back to hell.

Most of the demons also turned to dust and others were killed, Izzy, Jace, Simon and Clary had gone towards Alec who was still in that shield.

They started questioning him when Magnus walked towards him and the shield automatically dropped allowing Magnus to kiss his husband.

"You idiot why would you do that?", Magnus asked and Alec laughed hugging Magnus, "Well you saved me so don't worry Magnus", Alec said.

"Well I also did promise you that 'I will protect you above all else'", Magnus said as Alec wiped his tears chuckling.

Magnus and Alexander are strong together in a fight, lethal, maybe even the strongest if you don't consider all six of them.

But around each other they were the most vulnerable ones...

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