Our Love

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Alec has been feeling sick for a week now and it was really weird because he has never gotten sick.

Nearly bled to death, yes, but never sick due to his angel blood and even since childhood he had never gotten sick.

Izzy, his sister had gotten sick once or twice, Max had been sick more than twice, but less than a normal mundane, but Alec had never gotten sick.

Once he had gotten grumpy and his mother had called Magnus and it was solved with Magnus holding him and handing him a teddy.

Now, he was sick for a week and he has been evading going to Cat as Magnus says and above all, everyone he meets has been saying he was glowing.

"Ok enough with the games Alexander, honey you look really sick in the mornings and by evening you are back to normal and you continue the demon fighting and all", Magnus said this morning after Alec had thrown up twice.

"I respect all of it and I love you more for it, but baby you have to look after yourself too please", Magnus said and sat next to Alec.

"I think that's a good idea Magnus, because I feel like the world's spinning and-", Alec didn't complete his sentence as he fainted in Magnus's arm.

"Alexander! baby come on", Magnus called and laid his husband on the bed and propped his magic in his hands and started examining Alec.

He gasped when he examined Alec's lower abdomen and his eyes watered, "No... this is impossible", he muttered, but he very well knew his magic would never fail.

He immediately called Caterina after sedating Alec since he needed rest, he had been working hard all month, especially the past two weeks.

Catarina also confirmed his suspicions, "But how? I am a warlock, I am sterile and he is a man", Magnus said.

"But you are also a powerful warlock born to a fallen angel and he is your soulmate, who took immortality upon himself after marrying you", Cat said.

"That still doesn't answer my question, fine I was born to a fallen angel, therefore maybe I can, but he is still a man, whether he is my soulmate or not it is impossible", Magnus said as he looked at his husband sleeping peacefully.

"Magnus nothing is impossible, you should know that by now, the shadowhunters went to Edom and came out alive with you, but if you are asking medically, I really don't know how, but I can say it is a gift from the angels, from God himself maybe", Cat said.

Magnus had a worried look, "Don't think too much and worry yourself Magnus, cherish it, not everyone get's the liberty of having kids with their loved ones", Cat said and left as Magnus nodded with a smile.

Yes Alexander Lightwood-Bane was miraculously pregnant with Magnus's child, Magnus sat next to Alec combing his hair softly.

He looked at his husband who was sleeping peacefully, he was happy, he had never thought he would marry someone he loved, but now he having a kid with him.

Happy tears fell from Magnus's eyes, he wiped those and kissed Alec's forehead, "I love you Alexander", he whispered and continued combing Alec's hair while watching him.

~ An hour or so later ~

Alec woke up slowly and looked around to see Magnus looking at him with a smile on his face, "Hey", the warlock said softly, "Magnus? what-", he tried to get up but Magnus held him down.

"Easy shadowhunter, you gave me a fright there, take it slow", Magnus said and Alec sat up slowly.

"What happened? What time is it? I have to get to the institute", he rambled, "Hey hey I called Isabelle and told her that you won't be coming today till after noon", Magnus said.

"Why? what happened?", Alec asked and Magnus smiled and took a deep shaky breath, "You fainted this morning and I checked you, I found something and to confirm whether it was true or not I called Cat, she also confirmed that my finding was true and now...", he stopped trying to form words.

Now you are pregnant?, Now we are going to be parents?, Now we are having a kid?, he contemplated through these thoughts.

Alec was looking at him to go on, Magnus looked into his eyes, "Now... Our love has taken a physical form and is growing inside you", Magnus said and waited for some sort of reaction from Alec, but got nothing except shock.

"I... I am pregnant?", Alec asked and Magnus nodded tears forming in his eyes, "But how?", the shadowhunter asked again.

"I don't know Alexander, medically Cat doesn't have an answer", he said and told everything that Cat told him.

Alec took some time to process those words, but when he did, he had tears in his eyes too, the fathers-to-be kissed each other.

Alec hugged Magnus after that passionate kiss, "We are having a kid", he muttered and Magnus nodded through his happy tears, "We are having a kid", he also said.

After breaking the hug Magnus took Alec to the kitchen and made him sit on the counter top and started making something.

"What are you doing honey?", Alec asked laughing as he saw Magnus struggle, "I am making some delicious waffles for my husband and kid, you didn't have your breakfast yet", he said and groaned.

Finally unable to hand himself he snapped his fingers, magically making the waffles at the same time cleaning the mess.

He handed the plate to Alec, "What do you want for topping, chocolate sauce? Maybe some fruits with honey?", Magnus asked and Alec smiled.

Magnus was always caring but this special caring for their child made him more happy, "Some blue berries with chocolate syrup", Alec said and Magnus immediately snapped his fingers and made it happen.

Both smiled and knocked their foreheads, "I love you Magnus", Alec said and Magnus kissed his husband's forehead, "I love you too Alexander and our little one inside you", he said.

Alec's whole pregnancy went faster than expected, he had all the support from his mother, his siblings, his friends and most importantly Magnus. 

Soon in exactly 9 months, they had a beautiful baby boy Rafael Santiago Lightwood-Bane a powerful and immortal shadowhunter with his papa Magnus's eyes and black hair.

Three years later, the couples love again formed into another life and their family grew into another one, another boy Max Michael Lightwood-Bane, a beautiful baby warlock with his dad Alec's eyes and dark brown hair.

The Lightwood-Bane family completed with a yet another immortal and beautiful baby girl named Sophia Elizabeth Lightwood-Bane, a warlock-shadowhunter named after Izzy(who was extremely happy), with Magnus's cat eyes in Alec's blue color and beautiful light brown hair color, who surprisingly grew up protective of her daddies.

Jace might have lost his eyes if Alec hadn't stopped Sophia from shooting an arrow at the age of 5, as the blonde had made fun of Alec, she definitely was a perfect mix of Alec and Magnus.

So let's just say Malec's love formed a beautiful, strong and supportive family...

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