Forever and Always

430 13 21

This chapter is already giving me goosebumps...

Today was the big day, all were done with the war and all, so they were happy and there was a celebration.

Especially the soon-to-husbands were nervous and happy, Alec Lightwood who always lived in Jace's shadow following Clave rules, was now making a change in the whole shadow world.

Magnus Bane who had never thought in his living centuries, that he would get married was now going to be married to his love, his soulmate.

Alec was waiting on the dais when he saw him, his love, his warlock, his Magnus walk down the aisle with Maryse Lightwood, who had a proud look on her face.

As Magnus walked down, Alec remembered Izzy's words she had said few years back before his parabatai ceremony.

One day, somebody is gonna love you, heart and soul.

He looked into Magnus's eyes as he remembered those words and knew how it had come true, somebody did love him, his heart and soul, Magnus his Magnus.

Magnus looked at Alec on the dais and remembered his late friend's words when they talked about Camille and love.

Someday someone will come along, who will tear down those walls you've built around your heart. And when that love comes back to you, you must do everything in your power to fight for it.

Someone did come in his life who not only tore the walls down, but raised the buried emotions from the depths of his heart, Alexander his Alexander.

And he did fight for that love with the last bit of his power and he won, he kissed Maryse on the cheek and stood in front of Alec.

They both looked at each other with so much love, Magnus motioned Alec to start who exhaled and with a smile started the vow.

The love I have for you...

Is a love that knows no bounds.

In times of joy as well as sadness...

In sickness and in health...

I will love you as my equal.

And protect you above all else.

I will share with you my truest feelings.

And when you speak, I will listen.

I will catch you when you fall.

And when you soar, I will help you reach your greatest heights.

Forever I am yours.

Forever I do.

Magnus Bane...

Alexander Gideon Lightwood...

I am and will always be your loving husband.

"It is my honor to pronounce you one", Brother Zachariah said and they kissed as all clapped, they became close to Brother Zachariah after all the commotion.

Well Magnus knew him already, but Alec understood Jem's feelings on loosing a parabatai as he had nearly lost his once and he felt the pain.

After the dance all were sitting on the tables as it was time for the best man's and maid of honor's speeches, Jace got up with a smile with his glass in his hand.

(Ps: Clary isn't losing her runes or memories in here)

"Alec had been my brother before being my parabatai, but I never knew or understood his feelings, I accept I was a self-centered ass", he said and all laughed, "So when he and Magnus got together I was a little protective and may have threatened Magnus here and there. I felt a sense of protectiveness for Alec when Magnus flirted with him the first time", he said and the others present at that day smiled at the memory. "But when I saw how happy Alec was and is, I realized that he had found his one. I have never seen Alec smile like the way he smiles when he looks at Magnus and Magnus I admit, I did have some second thoughts on him as he was a downworlder, but he proved me wrong, when I saw him looking at Alec with pure adoration, I realized no one would look at Alec like that. Slowly later as their relationship grew through the hardships and all, even though they were polar opposites and when they were ready to go to the extents, like giving up the powers for Alec to going to Edom to save Magnus, I realized they were made for each other and I was beyond happy that my brother found his only one. I am happy for you Alec and Magnus, but I will still call you sparkles", he said and raised his glass.

Alec chuckled through his tears and Magnus nodded at Jace as the parabatais hugged each other.

Next Izzy got up wiping her tears, "I don't know how to top Jace's, I never thought he could talk like that, but here goes", she said and all chuckled.

"Alec, I always fought with you in small small things since I was little, but I love you nonetheless, you are the best brother I could ever ask for and despite our differences you have always stood support to me when no one has", she said and all smiled, "Mom had told me that when I was little since I couldn't pronounce 'x' I always called you Alec and even when I was able to, you let the name be. I always thought on how nice it would be to have a sister, but even now as I talk I would never have a sister in any life time like you and I am lucky to be your sister. I would never trade you for anything in the whole wide world Big Bro, I love you so much. Magnus, I have always admired your style, your sass and all, but when you started dating my brother, I admit that I admired the way you loved him, it is unlike anything, the way you look at each other makes everyone else yearn for equal love from their better half. I am happy to welcome you to the family not as my brother-in-law but as my brother. I was just saying to Simon that, I have never seen my brother as happy as he is with Magnus and now I would like to say that I have never seen you two as happy as you are when you are with each other and I wish you many lives together. I don't know what else to say, but I have a gift for you both, if you would accept", she said with tears in her eyes.

Everyone had tears in their eyes as they listened to her speech, especially the couples who now looked confused.

Clary got up with her stele and walked to Alec, "I asked Clary to make an immortal rune for you", she said and all gasped.

Magnus covered his face balancing his hands on his thighs as he cried, while Alec with happy tears removed his top shirt buttons and moved it so that she can draw the rune.

On his left chest where the marriage rune was supposed to be, she smiled and drew the rune and felt no resistance from the angels for once.

As she finished all clapped and Alec hugged his sister and Clary followed by Magnus, finally they both kissed expressing their happiness.

"Forever and Always Magnus Lightwood-Bane", Alec said their forehead touching together and Magnus chuckled through his tears, "Forever and Always Alexander Lightwood-Bane", he confirmed.

Fire & Ice

Hot & Cool

Red & Blue

Yin & Yang

Day & Night

Demonic & Angelic

Magnus Bane & Alexander Gideon Lightwood...

Guys I am finishing my one shot with this chapter, but don't worry I'll start a new one soon...

I am finishing this because I have my exams coming in 2 weeks, so please forgive me, but I have already started my new fanfic...

It's called Soulmates, check it out and support me guys, thank you for all the support you gave me!!!

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