My Augus-My Magnus

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The Lightwoods(include Jace here) except Alec were in the institute along with Clary and Simon, when Magnus came.

"Hey Magnus", Izzy said as he entered Alec's office, who was in charge of the institute for the day, "Hey Isabelle, where is your brother?", he asked not seeing Alec in his usual seat.

"I am sorry what?", Izzy asked getting up, "Where is Alexander? Shouldn't he be in the office?", Magnus asked again confused.

"I heard that before, but I thought he would be at your home by now", Izzy said and the look of confusion switched in Magnus's face.

He was getting angry at the same time scared, "What do you mean Isabelle?", Magnus asked in a dangerous tone.

After the whole lot of soul sword incident and all, the couples were more protective of each other, the tone scared Izzy.

"Magnus, Alec left at about 1.00 for lunch with you", Izzy said and Magnus looked at the time, it was 5.30 now.

Nearly 5 hours had gone, "Search for him now", Magnus demanded and went to doorway before Izzy stopped him.

"Magnus wait", she called and he stopped, "Isabelle we don't have time no-", he was interrupted as Izzy called the other three.

"We can't just send a search party Magnus", Jace said after listening to Izzy, "I am saying that my boyfriend, your parabatai is missing for five hours now and you are saying not to search for him?", Magnus said his eyes turning into his cat ones, indicating he was extremely angry and worried.

Jace raised his hands in surrender, "Alec is one of our strongest warriors and if anything I would feel his pain, but I didn't feel anything-", he said and paused his hand going to his parabatai rune.

"Jace what's wrong?", Izzy asked, "Alec he... he is sad", Jace said and Magnus stormed out, "I am going after him, do whatever you want", he said and the other 4 followed him.

"Ok fine we'll search different places", Izzy said and Simon and Clary nodded, "Jace and Simon come with me and Clary go with Magnus", Izzy said.

They all nodded and started searching in different places, Magnus being the most worried, Clary had only seen Magnus like this the night before the soul sword incident.

Well, that time also he was not this much worried, "Magnus, Alec will be ok", Clary said, "He has to be, cause I don't know what I am going to do if he isn't", Magnus said.

"You really love Alec don't you?", Clary asked as they entered a huge park with a playground on one side and walking and cycling path on the other.

"What do you mean?", Magnus asked stopping and Clary stopped turning to look at him, "I thought he is another one of your loves as you are immortal, but even not knowing where Alec is making you so worried and angry", she said.

"He is special isn't he?", Clary asked and Magnus nodded, "I... I never thought I would love someone again after Camille, but Alexander is different, he isn't demanding anything out of me, he loves me for who I am, he... I don't think there will be anyone else after him", he finished.

This shocked Clary more but she understood that this was true love, "Come on lover boy, let's find your true love, check that side, I'll check the play area", she said and Magnus chuckled before nodding and going as said.

Clary went to the playground and saw Alec on the swing with a book in his hands, she smiled and walked towards him.

"Alec we were all worried, wha-", she stopped as he looked up at her away from his book with tears in his bloodshot red eyes.

"What happened Alec?", she asked sitting on the next swing and Alec closed his book finishing his reading.

She saw the title and understood the reason; 'A Fault in our Stars', "I want an Augustus", he muttered and she smiled.

She knows that he didn't mean Magnus wasn't good enough, but everyone wanted an Augustus, heck even she had wanted an Augustus.

"But he died...", Alec said trailing, breaking her thoughts, she put her hand on his arm, "Hey, You've already got an Augustus", she said.

He looked at her confused while she smiled, "He just calls himself Magnus", she said and the truth dawned on him.

"And to be honest your Magnus is more special, precious and loving than Augustus", she said remembering the previous moment with Magnus.

Alec got up with a huge smile on his face and Clary also got up, Alec hugged her, "You are right Clary, I have my Augus- no my Magnus, more special and worthy", he said.

"Your welcome Alec, now come on everyone is searching for you including your boyfriend", she said and took her phone.

"Fetch Magnus, I'll call others and tell them we found you", she said and Alec nodded and walking away.

He walked out and saw Magnus behind a shrub with tears in his eyes, the fact that Alec was safe and what he heard all came crashing down, Alec panicked and went towards him.

"Hey Magnus I am alright", he said checking Magnus to see if he was hurt in any ways, Magnus noticed this and more tears came out of his eyes.

Magnus hugged burying his head in his lover's shoulder, "I don't deserve you", he said and Alec understood that he had heard the conversation.

"You deserve the world baby", Alec said and Magnus pulled away looking into his eyes, Alec wiped the tears and kissed his warlock.

"Just like you heard before, you are my Magnus and I love you, nothing in this world will ever change that", he said.

"Not even if Augustus came alive?", Magnus asked and Alec chuckled, "Mmhmm...", he acted fake thinking.

Magnus gasped and hit the shadowhunter lightly who laughed and held Magnus's waist, "I would never ever trade anything for you Magnus, even if it is Augustus", he said.

Magnus smiled wiping his new happy tears and kissed Alec, "Aww my baby is crying", Alec said, "Not funny and you are sleeping on the couch for making me worried and not having your lunch", Magnus said.

"What?!?", Alec said trying to comprehend and Magnus walked away with a smirk, "Baby? Magnus? Honey? Please", Alec begged going after Magnus, but with a smile on his face.

He did have his Magnus, the best one...

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