Chapter 2

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!!(Y/N) POV!!

I wake up to the sound of Two-bit and Pony wrestling on the floor while yelling, "It's too early for this" I sigh and sit up slowly. I brush my hair out with my fingers as the boys slowly stop and stand up "Sorry about that (Y/n)" Ponyboy says, and Johnny comes over. He sits next to me while smiling down at me "hey Ponyboy told me yesterday about the drive-in tonight, want to join us? it would be me, you, Dallas and Pony" My brother says and I nod "alright, that would be fun!" I respond and look at Pony who is smiling down at me.

"Perfect," He blushes, and I can't help to blush back. Every time he looks at me, I get these butterflies in my stomach. It feels nice but it makes me blush every time which is annoying. Sodapop always manages to tease me for it and catch me whenever it happens. Soda walks over and laughs as I get up and push him "would you shut your trap!" I laugh and he keeps laughing "so unfair!" I say and I walk into the kitchen. Soda comes over and holds me upside-down "hey!" I yell and I look around as Darry comes over "put her down," Darry says and keeps holding me there. I groan and I put my arms on the floor. Soda pouts and slowly drops me. I sit up "you're gonna give me a head rush," I say, and I rub my head as Darry picks me up off the floor and onto my feet.

I look into the TV room, and I smile at my brother "I need to go to the house and change; I'll meet you back here?" I say and he nods "be safe (Y/n)" Johnny says and I nod while I start to walk out "if I'm not back in 25 minutes, send someone over!" I say and start walking, already hearing my parents screaming at each other "why didn't I just stay in the home?" I ask myself as I sneak into the window. I look through my closet while I hear footsteps. I lock my door not thinking as I start to quickly change my clothes. I change into a different pair of jeans and a red tube top with my leather jacket. "(Y/n)! Open the door! Now!" I hear my father and I sigh nervously "one minute! I'm changing!" I say as politely as I can.


I finish and I unlock my door. He pushes it open and slaps me across the face. I hold my cheek and stumble a little "what did I say about the doors!" He yells and I breathe heavily while looking at him "n-never lock d-doors" I say, and he nods before throwing his empty beer bottle at my arm. It shatters and some glass makes its way in. I whimper and he laughs at me "I wish we never adopted you, you're a stupid mistake." He whispers and I look down. He slams the door shut and I sneak out the window crying quietly "greasers don't cry...greasers don't cry" I whisper.

I walk through the door and Johnny gets up quickly "hey! What did they do?" He asks while bringing me to sit down. "I accidentally locked my door while I was changing and Dad got mad, so he threw the beer bottle at me after slapping me," I say holding back tears as the boys come out of the kitchen.

 Soda looks at me scared than at my arm. He sighs and looks at Dally, they nod and gets the first aid kit. I look away as they pull some glass out of my arm. I feel something on my hand, and I slowly look up to see Ponyboy holding my hand. I start to calm down and he smiles slightly at me. Johnny comes back with paper towels and gives them to Dally.

After they get all the glass out, Dally puts on the alcohol which causes me to flinch and grip Pony's hand tightly. He lets me as Soda wraps my arm slowly, "okay (Y/n)" he whispers and gets in front of me "you're going to be okay, just take it easy" he smiles, and I nod. 

Soda looks at mine and Pony's hands, which are still together. We both blush and take our hands away quickly while looking away from each other. I look at the ground as Two-bit laughs at us "look at their faces!" He yells and I roll my eyes "shut your trap, Two!" I say and Steve turns on the TV. "Mickey Mouse!" Two-bit smiles overjoyed and sat on the floor.

I sit back and my eyes get glued to the TV, I don't even realize the looks that Pony has been giving me. "What time are we going to the Drive-in?" Johnny asks and Pony looks at Dally who is walking back over from washing his hands "an hour or two, I was to go chase those kids again if they are there" he shrugs, and I smile. 

Pony sits next to me, and I smile a little as he watches Mickey with me. I think my brother is noticing something because he is starring at Pony who is watching Mickey. Soda and Steve go to work at the DX while Two-bit goes off to get drunk and Darry stays back to clean up the house.

an hour passes and Dally gets up "Come on, let's go." He says as Pony, Johnny, and I stand up before walking to the door. "Remember, no fights, and your curfew is 12!" Darry says as we walk out of the small house.

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