Chapter 3

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     I check my pockets to make sure that I have everything as we start to walk down the sidewalk. I feel my pocket knife while Dally wraps his arms over my shoulders. I smile as he takes out one of his cancer sticks "You want one, little?" Johnny looks at him and I shake my head "I'm fine" I say and both Johnny and Ponyboy take one. Dally lights one using the necklace he always wears and takes a long drag, as we keep walking.

 "The kids might not be there yet, and its a bit early Dal," Johnny says as we stop on the side walk "What do you wanna do?" i ask Dally and he sighs "nothing legal man, lets get outta' here," He scoffs and starts to walk off with Johnny leaving me and Ponyboy behind them. A women stares at me as she walks by with some bags, i just roll my eyes as we keep walking down the side walk. "Lets bother Steve and Soda," I suggest as we keep walking "You read my mind," Dal laughs as we walk toward the DX.

   I smile as we walk to one of Dally's friends at Pines. They start talking and I get distracted by a fight that is happening between some people. We walk over and notice its a Soc, Dally smirks and stands still. Everyone backs up as a man pulls out a blade "Jesus" I mumble, We hear sirens go off and we start to walk off before more fights break out. After a bit of walking, we end up at the DX.

    I walk over and sit on the hood of the car the boys are working on "Hey Sodapop," Pony says and Dally snags the wiper away from Steve. They start to have a verbal fight as i take it away from Dal and give it back to Steve "At least one person in the friend group is nice," Steve mumbles and goes back to fixing the car. After a while of talking I smirk "The kids are probably there now, see you soon!" I say and get off the car. The boys walk off after me and start talking about the movie.

 I turn around a corner from an ally way to see the kids. Dallas comes over and crosses his arms getting all tough. "hey did i say you guys could play on my grass, huh?" Johnny kicks some things around and Pony takes out a cancer stick as the three boys shake their heads "No," Dal gets the cards from them and looks at them, "You guys ever play 52 pick up?" The boys nod and Dally clearly gets mad "What? Hey don't get wise. I don't like little kids. I don't like em'." Dally says and lets all the card fly everywhere. The kids just stare and Dal gets even angrier "Get outta here! I'm gonna kill you!" He yells and starts chasing the kids.

  I laugh as Pony, Johnny and I start running after them as well. We slowly stop as they keep running. Dally smiles and looks up "They sky is getting dark, lets go" he says out of breath. 

-Time skip-

  Dally kicks the fence and he moves a part under it and starts to climb under it. I just climb over the fence "Your a girl, its easier for you" Pony whines and I cross my arms as Dally stands up next to me. Pony and Johnny make it under the fence before we start walking to a small section for people who don't bring cars. We jump the bar and Dally sits on the end of the row, i sit next to him then Pony then Johnny.

  I sit back and watch the movie as some girls walk over, I notice Ponyboy stare at one of them then looks at me "Cherry," he whispers and I look at her before shaking my head, she is best friends with Missy. Dally notices it's her and decides to mess with her by getting really close to her and saying dirty things. I cover my mouth and I try not to laugh. Dally puts his feet on the back of her chair, and he slowly falls. We all laugh as he gets back up slowly "Shut it," he mumbles and i lean on Ponyboy without noticing.

"It's freezing," I whisper and shiver a little as Pony wraps his arm around me. Dally takes his jacket off and puts it on me. I roll my eyes and i go back to watching the movie "I'm gonna get a coke," Johnny mumbles and walks off while I watch him. Cherry gets mad and keeps looking forward "You better leave us alone or I'll call the cops," Dally pretends to get scared "Oh my my! you got my scared to death! What am I gonna do now guys?" We just look at him then back at the movie. "This girl is making me shake."

I sigh "Come on Dal" i say and he looks at me before going back to her "could i interest you in a coke-a-cola or a 7up?" He starts but Cherry snaps "Get lost hood!" she yells, and Dal jumps a little "woah, I'm sorry, i didn't know you had this problem with yelling in my face" He whispers, and he looks at Pony and I "alright I'll go" he says and walks off, I'll give him his jacket later. Cherry turns and looks at Pony and I as we are watching the movie "You going to start in on us now too?" She asks and we shake our heads.

 "You guys don't look the type anyway, what's your names?" she asks, and Pony pulls me closer to him "Ponyboy Curtis" he says, and I look at her "(y/n) Cade" She looks at me then Pony "What are nice kids like you two hanging around with that trash?" She asks and before Pony says anything I jump in "Dally's our buddy we are greasers too" Pony nods and I look back up at the screen "You have a brother, right? Sodapop?" She asks to Pony, and he nods as Johnny sits next to me.

  Dally walks back over and I look at him as he hands me a coke and popcorn to Pony "Here i thought this might cool you off" Dal says and hands a coke to cherry before taking a drag of his cigarette. I gasp as she throws it in his face "maybe that will cool you off!" she yells and Dal starts to get on top of her "come on Dal" Johnny stands up and I look at him confused "Johnny, what are you doing," I whisper, and Dal gets off of her "What did you say? What'd you say you little shit? what did you say to me?" he says, and I look at Dal "come on" I say, and he groans "give me my Jacket later" he says, and I nod as he storms off.

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