Chapter 20

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Pony and I are walking together out of school while smiling. He is throwing around a rubber ball while I'm looking around for Cherry. I never thanked her for helping us out in the court. She saved pony and I, Johnny would have been so happy. I look up as we stop in front of the steps, there she was, I go to walk up to her, but she walks away. She was looking at Pony and me, but she ignored us. She just walked off with her Soc friends.

What happened. She was the one who was calling to talk to us at a point. How come she was neglecting us out of nowhere?

Pony sighs and wraps his arm around my waist, "it's fine," he says, and I nod as we start to walk off, but we get stopped. "Hey, Ponyboy!" we hear and turn to see one of our teachers. "Hello, Mr. Simes," Pony says and we look up at him. "Listen, I gotta talk to you about your grade, so if Ms. Ca-" he starts but Pony shakes his head "no, it's fine."

Mr. Simes nods then crosses his arms while looking at Pony. "To put it frankly, your flunking," he says, and I hold Ponys hand. "But I'll tell you what, taking into consideration the circumstances, you come up with a good semester theme. I'll pass you with a C," he says, and I look up at Pony. "Should it be some kind of research paper?" Pony asks, and Mr. Simes shakes his head.

"Personal experience will do," he says before walking off. Pony and I turn as we start walking back home. "Great, my first trip to the Zoo," he says, and I look up at him. "Why don't you do it on the gang, and everything that has happened?" I ask Pony and he looks at me. "Maybe, I will," he shrugs, and I nod.

-Time skip-

Soda, Darry, Pony, and I are all sitting downstairs eating dinner. Darry has been getting at Pony about his grades and college all night and I can tell he is going to pop soon. "Listen, with your brains and your grades, you could get a scholarship and we can put you through college. Isn't that right, Soda?"

Soda stays silent and I look over at him. He looks like he is stressed, probably from working all day. "You're living in a Vacuum, Pony, you gonna have to cut it out!" Darry says and I look over at Pony. "You just don't stop living because you lose somebody," he mumbles, and I look at him. Is he talking about my brother?

"If you don't like the way I'm running things around here then you can just get out." Darry says d Pony gets up quickly while starting to yell "Pony," I say, and he keeps yelling. "You'd like that, wouldn't you? You'd like me to get the hell out!" "Ponyboy," I say a bit louder. "It's not that easy. is it, Soda?" Pony starts walking away but Soda stands up quickly making us all jump.

"Goddamn, you guys! Leave me out of it!" he screams and starts running out of the house. "Soda!" I say and start to chase after him, making sure he doesn't do anything stupid. The boys came up behind me. I start getting flashbacks and I slow down.

I breathe heavily and run down the road as cop cars come up. I see Dally run from behind a tree, with his heater. "Dally!" I scream and run faster while some cops point guns at me "stop there right now!" I don't listen, I just keep running as fast as I can.

The boys yell at me to stop. I can't lose both of my best friends in one day. "You'll never catch me alive!" Dal yells as they start shooting at him. "Stop! It's not loaded!" I keep screaming and I hear a huge bang then I fall to the ground hard hitting my head on the pavement.

Soda runs to the baseball field and the boys run up quickly before tackling him. I stay put though, in the middle of the road. My head feels like it's circling with thoughts and memories of my brother and Dally. What is happening to me? I'm getting flashbacks from the night they both died.

I walk over to the sidewalk, and I sit down. I don't want to interfere with the boys right now, it's a family problem.

I look back at the Curtis brothers who are talking, and I start walking with my hands in my pockets, kicking a rock my way back. I smile slightly and look up at the moon shining brightly. I know my brother and Dal are watching over me. I keep walking while humming and kicking the same rock. I make it to the Curtis house, and I walk inside.

I walk up to Pony and I's shared room, and I sit on the bed before turning on my radio. Judy Garland starts playing and I smile. This was Johnny and I's favorite song. We used to listen to this while playing cards. I walk over to Johnny's jean jacket, and I hold it. I want him to come home. I have been listening to what he asked me that night.

No more fights and move out of our parents' house. I sit on the bed and look out the window to see the moon still glowing. I start thinking about what Darry said, you just don't stop living because you lose somebody. I look down from the sky to see the Curtis brothers run back while laughing. I smile and walk downstairs with the radio still on upstairs.

I sit on the couch as the boys walk into the house. Pony sits next to me, and I put my head on his shoulder while he rubs my arm with his thumb. Those stupid butterflies are back at it again. Soda smirks and I roll my eyes while blushing while Darry nudges him.

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