Conformity 2066

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After the Norman conquest of the word 'Normal' was introduced to explain "if we do it the way the Normans want us to do it, we will be normalised and the Norman authorities will not have a problem with us."

The word 'normal' has stuck around ever since even if we are no longer living under Norman conquest. It has not significantly changed its meaning over the years although the context has shifted away from 'accepting the way the Norman conquerors want us to do it' towards 'doing it the way everybody else is doing it (because that's how the current State wants us to do it).'

Normalisation is about conformity. It is not the same as civilisation, a Roman concept of living the way the Roman conquerers wanted us to do it. Romantically?

I am going back in history 1000 years, to the Norman conquest of Britain and 2000 years, to the Roman conquest of Britain.

On this principle we are due to be conquered by foreign invading settlers again, right about now.

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