I have been training for a year with Mikados. He has helped me harness my abilities and he helped achieve my full potential. His attempts in teaching me lost magic have not been successful. Mikados has taught me to fight with my weapons of choice, a sword and a pitchfork.
"It has been a great year, master." I tell him.
"I wish you were able to grasp magic, for being a host you had weak magical abilities." He says.
"You are hosting dark entity inside of you. That is why you found this place and why you were able to destroy the statue so fast."
"Oh. Well, let me tell you something interesting. A deity is not able to host a dark entity. You sensed the wrong thing."
Mikados turns around and starts pacing. He tries to figure out what I am, but I leave before he figures it out. Epsilon and I are already out the door and we start our journey to a new place Mikados told me about. He told about this area in Mexico, that could take me to a new place that is heavy in dark magic.
It has been a day of walking and we barley made it out of the jungle. Epsilon went off hunting and I set up the tent and went to bed.
I woke up at the crack of dawn and continued walking.
A few days later I reached the Mexican border and I follow coast north until I reached a city.
I continued north until I saw the Mayan temples. They were magnificent some were small but others were huge. I spotted the tallest one and went towards it.
It took me a day to reach it, but it was worth it. The temple was huge and had the ancient look to it. I started climbing the steps that lead to the building at the top.The climb took twenty minutes, but those were the worst twenty minutes ever. I reached the top to see a statue at the top blocking me. It was of a man holding a sword. His inscription said that he was a guardian of the entrance to hell. I realized that I went to the wrong place, but I figured out that the Fates may have led me here. They must want me to see what is left behind of the kingdom that was left behind by the original Hades.
The Ascended
AksiJoseph Moreno is teenage boy that is living a normal life. That is until his sixteenth birthday was coming soon. Now Joseph must deal with the world he was dragged into. He must claim his power and ascend. Book one of The Ascended Series