Chapter 2: Human Are Interesting

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Eren POV

It been sometime after the incident in our village.

Ankh: 'So the white fang attack this place too.'

Eren: 'It seen so.'

???: They really did a number on this place.

Ankh: 'What?'

We look to our right we saw a man with a traveling bag he wear a dark blue hooded cloak.

Eren: Who are you?

???: I'm just a wanderer passing through.

He then start to walk away as we follow him.

Eren: Wait.

???: Yes?

Ankh: 'Hey what are you doing?'

Eren: 'I don't know but for some reason he seem off, like he isn't for around here.' Can I come with you?

Ankh: 'Well of course he's a wanderer.'

???: Well it's getting late and having some company isn't bad so, for now sure.

We walk for a bit before setting up camp for the night.

Eren: Mister, can I get you name?

Ryu: Ryu, Ryu Kaito. Your?

Eren: Eren.

Ryu: Last name?

Eren: I don't have one...

Ryu: Oh, how about... Kuuga.

Eren: What?

Ryu: Eren Kuuga. Everyone need a name, it set who you are, it's your identity. Do you like it?

Eren: Yes I do.

Ryu: That good to heard. So why are you out here?

Eren: It's complicated.

Ryu: I see, if you don't want to talk about it then I won't push. Oh, come on eat up before the fishs get burn.

Eren: Right.

We then eat the fish, Ankh enjoyed the fish even though he said greeed can't taste food.

Ryu: Delicious right?

I noded

We were enjoying our dinner, he tell me some story about his adventure, I was actually having fun with him.

Ryu: Some time it's easier to share your problem with other, it will some time make you feel better, even just a little would help.

Eren: Can I tell you about my past?

Ryu: Sure, if it can help you then I will hear you out.

I then tell him about my past, he was right I felt better now letting it off my chest, I even show him my true form he just smile and said I am a special one.

Ryu: I see, I was also in a bad family too.

Eren: Really?

Ryu: Yeah, but then I met someone that change my life forever. I was free, I then go on many journey. You can also do the same too and one day you will find someone that will change you life too.

Ankh: 'He seems nice.'

Ryu: You're just like me. Anyway let get some sleep you journey will continue tomorrow.

Eren: Right.

We then fall asleep but when I wake up he was gone, I felt betrayed he just left me like that. Until I found a note and a box next where he slept last night.

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