21. Healed Wounds

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Serra was walking to the river where they bury the body of her mother. One of Maria's close friend before told her that she was given a proper burial and it was Rila who demanded it to the captain.

She passed the fields. The carrots were looking good and green, the berries were healthy, and to Serra's surprise, they have grown corns just beside the tea farm. Her mouth twitched into a smile looking at the fields. She shared countless memories with Mira in these fields and all those felt like a long time a go now. She missed Mira so much.

Then she reached the river. There still stood the tree, green and tall, branching up to the sky. It's branches sways in the wind like a hand waving at her, welcoming her home. Beside the tree was a rock sitting upward and her mother's name was written on it in a black dye. Serra walked towards it.

She sat on the ground and stared at the rock, at her mother's name. It was written neatly. She knows who wrote it for Rila was the only one in the entire village who could stroke the letters neatly and pleasantly.

But why? Serra thought. Why would Rila gave a proper burial to their mother? She hated her and she killed her. Is she having regrets for what she did?

It doesn't matter now. It's still not gonna change everything that happened.

There's fresh flowers around the rock. Looks like they have been put there earlier. There's roses and daisies of different colors. Serra ran her fingers through them. The petals brushed through her fingers and felt her mother's touch in them.

"I miss you mom." She whispered. Her voice cracked and tears fell from her eyes. "I think of you everyday."

Then a cold wind rushed through her, embracing the emptiness and longing in her heart. It was like her mother is responding. She brought her arms around her and hugged herself.

"I wish you could see me now." She continued and smiled. She wiped her tears up. "I hope you're proud of what I have become."

She closed her eyes and feel the cold wind seeped into her bones. She breathed and escaped from the world for a while.


They set traps immediately. Kebin and the others goes to the woods setting the traps while the others guarded the area for any Reapers.

Earth Badbloods dug holes and they put sharp bamboos on it and the plant Badbloods covered the holes with interweaving green vines and that it looked like a normal ground.
The other tied some huge cut woods above the trees that will fall down and crush anyone on its path when a string below is triggered.

Nysel was above, flying in the sky for better view of the ground. She sees no Reapers and that makes her wonder. There should be at least few Reapers that will come into them, attracted by the noise they create below setting traps. But the woods was quiet as the sky.

In the village, Rila gathered all the patrols for a meeting.

Plant Badbloods were at the fields, growing and harvesting crops for everybody's meal. Rena and Danika helped them. Somehow, the villagers got less scared of them now. Well except to those who have body modifications.

Sisi don't know where to go. She sat alone in the cabin with her knees on her chin. The cabin was simple and smells just like home. It reminded her of Damacc.
Bored, she got up and took her sword then slid outside.

The sky was perfectly blue with clouds floating like cottons. She decided to take a stroll on the village, exploring it's beauty.
The gates stood tall and patrols lined above the walls with their bows. She sees no kids playing around as the villagers locked them up inside their cabins.
She saw the huge fields that stretched up in a distance with various crops planted on them. More cabins lined on the other side across the ones they are staying. There's a river at the far end and she could hear it's placid sound from afar.

Badblood (Badbloods, #1) [Completed, Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now