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A very common word in Japan, especially in areas polluted by them. You don't care. Not one but about them. But, you're making money off them. It's more like a profit for you. Making money off their own gang uniform. Designing them and sewing them by hand, then giving it to them personally while they hand you a wad of cash.

You enjoy it. More than anything in your life actually. One, because you get some taste of the delinquent world, and two it wastes most of your free time so you're always busy doing something.

They would come at you like a flock of birds. Asking, no begging for you to make them. Because you've made those gang uniforms. Some that belong to the top most known gangs in Japan so far.

Danger free is how you like to keep it among gangs.
Coming to an agreement—if you made them their uniforms you'll be left untouched for the rest of your life.

It's been like that for a couple of years.

you're hoping it stays the same for many more years.

The doors of your sewing room slid open. Interrupting the sewing club you teach. Well technically you weren't paying too much attention—assuming it was one of the girls that had left to grab a drink from the vending machine outside in the front of the school. You thought she had come back.

Until the sound of one of the students in the sewing club was yelling and you could pinpoint that voice to a certain someone in the room making you sigh.

"I don't care if it's an emergency!" They shout " she's busy right now so I suggest you come back later or never again!"

"Hey May" you call out, placing a hand on her shoulder "is everything okay?"

She huffs "everything's alright. It's just these delinquents causing problems!"

May glared at the black haired teen in front of her and she seemed to shrink a little at her gaze. It was a funny sight to see for sure but you honestly felt bad so you pushed her away gently. Assuring her that you had things covered from here. You shooed her away to help a previous student you were helping.

"Sorry about all that" you laughed trying to wave it off. He lets out a nervous laugh.
"So what can I help with ?" You asked. His face flushed red, which you assumed was from the embarrassing scene that just happened. The teen looks very familiar to you. . Dark eyes, his black hair styled into a neat pompadour.


He's that Sano boy.

"Oh....um—I'm looking for l/n Y/N. I was told I could find her here. In the sewing room?" He said, averting his eyes from you. Trying to find the person he had just named, unaware to him that the person was standing right in front of him.

"That's me." You smile "do you need something?" His dark eyes seemed to light up a little.

"Oh perfect!" He exclaimed "I need your help with something"

"Like?" You tilt your head in confusion—almost like how a dog would.

"I hear you make uniforms—for gangs and stuff. And—and I was wondering if you could help me?"

"Oh!" You say "yep! Just give me a second. I'll grab my bag and we can go into the empty room next door. It's a little crowded in here"

You excused yourself away from him as you walked over to the back of the class to retrieve your school bag. You call out to May. Explains that you'll be leaving the room for a little.

"Watch over the class for me, yeah?"

"You got it caption" May playfully salutes you as you roll your eyes at her.

You lead Shinichiro to the empty room next door and he follows you like a lost puppy. You take a seat on the nearest desk and pull out a notebook and pen

"So" you began "You wanted a uniform specifically designed for your gang?" You watch him nod gently as he pulls a chair and sits in front of you.

"Yeah "

"So Sano ya got any ideas?" You clicked your pen.

And that's where it begins.

Surely he begins to tell you his own image of what his precious uniform was going to look like. If anything it was simple to you. And you're a little glad for it. Shinichiro was never the type to go above and beyond things—but you don't know that—The product was done. It wasn't much but it was a simply outline.

"So sano, how many people are in your gang?" You ask a simple question and he lets out a nervous laugh as he looks away from you. His eyes landed on the windows in the classroom.

"That I don't know "

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