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These past few days it's been chilly—Which is honestly something you don't really like but you can't change it. Today however, was a bit warmer compared to the other days. Hana suggested going to the nearby park which you quickly agreed too. Thinking it will be a great opportunity to spend some time with her, seeing as you haven't been able to do that.

"Hana!" You call out as you put your shoes on "let's go!"

Hana comes down shortly after you call her name. She wears a bright smile on her face as she comes into your view. You smile back at her before grabbing both of your thin jackets just in case it gets a cold. You hand her her shoes and she mumbled out a small thank you before she sits herself done onto the ground to put them on. You wait patiently by the door. When she's done she reaches a hand to you and you take it, helping her up to her feet. You're both out the door after—hand in hand.

It's mostly Hana who's tugging you along with her and you easily follow behind her.

"Do you think mom will make it to my birthday party this time?" She asked. Her brown orbs pierced up at yours. You hesitantly nod.

"Yep. I'll make sure of it!" You give her a tight smile, she smiles back as she continues her walk to the park with you right behind her.

The park wasn't empty but wasn't packed either. Barely ten kids played around with each other as the parents sat around to chatter with one another. Hana tugs you to an empty swing set.

"Can you help me up?" She asks and you nod. She placed herself in front of the seat of the swing and placed both her hands on the chains with a tight grip.

"One, two, three!" You say and lift her up as she jumps, landing herself perfectly on the swing seat. "Do you want me to push you too?"

She shakes her head "No I can do it!"

You let out a small chuckle as you walked away sitting on a red bench that wasn't placed far from your view of Hana, watching her as she tried to swing herself further up in the air.

'Do you think mom will show up to my birthday party this year?"

You frown at four year old Hana who was turning five in a couple of weeks. You can only shrug at the little girl and she frowns. "That's not an answer"

You give her a smile "I'll give her a call later today Alright?"

"Okay!" She beams you a smile and runs away somewhere to play with her toys around the house. You sigh and frown once more.

You stare holes at your bedroom wall, chewing away at your fingernail as the voice rings on the other end.

No answer.

Six tries and the woman you had struggled to call 'mom' won't pick up her phone. You frown as you place your phone down for the night.

The last call was given on the day of Hana's birthday. But still no answer from the women and Hana was growing anxious. She was happy everyone else was able to show up but all she wanted was that women she could call mom in a heartbeat. You watch her carefully.

She wasn't actually happy. She never is'


Snapped out of your thoughts you turn your head to whoever has called your name. A set of blonde hair hugs your waist tightly before you could react and a tall lanky teen stands beside you with two more little children that stood beside him.

"Oh Hi!" You beamed a smile at the little girl hugging her back. Emma gives you a smile. "It's nice to see you again! What are you guys doing out here?

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