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Saying you were nervous was an understatement. As each hour passes your stomach seems to flutter more and more. It was almost sickening and it made you want to call Shinichiro and tell him you weren't feeling too good to attend the festival with him. But you just couldn't. Hana watches as you stumble back and forth in your bedroom. She lays on your bed with a stuffed animal under her which keeps her up.

"Y/n" she whines "how much longer do I have to be here I'm going to miss the little mermaid that's supposed to be on in a couple of minutes!"

You sigh "just a couple more outfits okay!"

"You're being dramatic about this"

"Oh I can't wait until you have your first date" you scuff.

"Not going to happen" she sticks her tongue out "I think boys are gross"

You pinch her nose softly and she whines "I was saying the same thing at your age and look at me now" You laugh as she slaps your hand away "just a few more and you'll be one your way. Promise"

You hold your pinky out and Hana links hers to yours.


After countless outfit changes and a tired Hana who's struggling to keep her eyes open. You straighten your shirt a little as you look at your reflection through your mirror. You sho Hana away.


You roll your eyes at the little girl you skipped out of your room. A few more minutes is all you need to get ready for the afternoon and shortly after May shows up at your doorstep.

"Oh good, you're here!" You welcome her into your home.

She kicks off her shoes quickly "sorry I'm a little late I couldn't find my car keys anywhere"

You hum. "Hana's in the living room watching Tv, Shinichiro will be here in a few to come pick me up"

"I still can't believe you agreed to go with him out of all people" she sighs and you frown.

"He's not like the other delinquent we've come across" you fidget with your fingers "He's—He's different"

May gives you a look—one you can't read too well. "I just don't want to lose you the same way I lost him"

"I know" a sympathetic smile from on your lips "and you won't"

The girl in front of you opens her mouth to say something else but she's it off by Hana's greetings, she runs up to May and hugs her leg tightly. May pats her head gently. "It's been so long!"

May hums. There's a short pause between the two of you, while May and Hana are chatting up a storm. Then there's a loud knock that's startled you. You walk up to the door—grasping the doorknob gently before twisting your wrist a little to open it.

Pairs of black orbs stare down at yours as you open the door fully. Shinichiro is standing nervously with a bundle of flowers in his hand.

"Hi" , you greet softly.

"Hey..." shinichiro shoves the bundles of flowers in your face. You take a step back to admire them. Some of the flowers are left with no petals while some are led with just the stem. Shinichiro can only let out a sheepish laugh "I was holding them while I was riding my motorcycle. They don't do really good with wind that's coming at them fifty miles per hour"

You take the bundle of flowers from his grasp and a soft coat of pink paints his pale checks. "Thank you—I love them. The dead flowers give it character" you take a step back into your home "I'll be right back let just put these away and get my coat"

"Okay—I'll just stand here"

'He's so awkward—it's cute'

"Hana here come take this and put it in the vase in the kitchen for me well you"

Hana comes running from the living room with a smile. She looks at the flowers and takes them from your hand. "Have fun on your date! No kissing, remember boys have cooties!"

You roll her eyes, bringing your hand up to ruffle her hair before leaning down and kissing her forehead "I will. Behave. I'll be back before midnight"

"Bye bye"


You're out the door and Shinichiro stands there waiting with his hands in the pocket of his jacket. When he spots you his face lights up and he extends his arm up a little for you to take it—and you do. Wrapping your arm around his as he leads you down to his motorcycle. He helps you hop on first before he hops on in front of you. The helmet that was placed on the handle was now placed on your head—with the help of Shinichiro, he clips it from under your chin.

"Let's get this over with yeah? Before everyone takes all the good stuff"

"You weren't joking about the food huh" Shinichiro laughs as he signals for you to get behind him. You shrug

"I'm a simple girl to please shin" you sigh "I see food—I want it. That simple"

"Good thing I saved my money huh?"

You swing your leg over the motorcycle and sit down. Shinichiro turns around slightly as he places the heavy gray helmet on your head. He clips it together from under your chin as he turns around to face forward.

"I'm going to suck you dry outta your money"

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