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Everyone was so excited when they had finally got their uniforms, because now they can now say they are part of the black dragons—the piece of clothing being solid proof of it.

Mrs. Saito helped you deliver all of them before she had to leave to continue her work abroad, asking May was out of the question because she wanted nothing to do with those types of things. But you couldn't blame her, if you were put in her shoes all of this would just be nothing more than a simple nightmare.

It's been months since the black dragons had started to rise from their little debut as an underground gang. You didn't think it was possible but the black dragons made it possible. They took down gang by gang, although there are stories about the leader getting beat up badly and losing, and made their way to the top very quickly. Quickly then you had expected it to be. You don't see them very often, but they're strong leaders, although strong really isn't a word you'd describe their leader. The male teen himself visits you every chance he gets after the black dragons have a huge brawl out with another gang or he's just plain out bored.

Although you don't seem to be bothered by it.

Shinichiro comes to visit you, bloody, bruised and scratched. Heck even his own uniform has some tears in them. Sometimes you feel like he's doing this on purpose And Y'know what maybe he is. You take it upon yourself to patch him up all while scolding the leader. You've gotten used to it. Honestly, you don't really have the heart to kick him out. You've gotten to know him a little better these past couple of months too. Shinichiro would say the same for you. Tonight was no different.

Your head perked up to the sound of a sudden knock on your door. You let out a sigh as you got up, already having an idea on who it might be. You opened the door gently, and was faced with an apologetic smile. One that was plastered on Shinichiro's pale face that was covered in small little scratches and small blood stains.

"Heh. You got a minute?" Shinichiro laughed nervously as you frowned.

"For you? Always" you say sarcastically and move to the side, giving him full access to your home. He entered quickly as you closed the door, locking it behind you. Shinichiro walks over to the living room couch and sits himself down in the usual place he sits at when you patch him up while you disappeared to get the first-aid kit.

"Did you at least win?" You say, coming into Shinichiro's view. He beamed out a smile.

"Hell yeah we did!" He beamed, punching the air with his right bruised and bloody fist. He winced as he clutched his shoulder with his left hand. You motion him to give you his hand and he did. Gently grasping the bruised flesh as you cleaned his knuckles with a cotton ball that was soaked with rubbing alcohol. You can feel him wince and pull away from you slightly. you gripped his hand a little tighter.


You two fell into a comfortable silence, nothing but the sound of heavy breathing from shinichiro when you poured rubbing alcohol on to his wound or the sound of a wrapper being opened when you opened up a band-aid.

The more you became unfocused with patching up Shinichiro the more you could feel his hard gaze on your face. He notices the dark circles under your eyes have become more dark. Your hair is more messy and a little greasier than usual. Shinichiro notices how your eyes are on the brink from closing shut to let you rest but you refuse to shut them. You've been 'working' harder every night.

"You look tired," the bruised boy mumbled. You let out a soft chuckle.

"Don't I always" you yawned out. You got up from your spot as you looked down at Shinichiro, who gently rubs the soreness of his hand. ."The black dragons are growing everyday. Your new members come to my door almost everyday and I can stop it for sure—but I don't wanna. I like doing this. It's fun"

Shinichiro stays silent as he listens to your soft and hoarse voice speak. You hold up a paper and wave it slightly

"I get to make new friends." you smiled "and you better be doing background checks on them before letting them in Sano—don't want you crying at my front door and complaining about how you have a mole in the black dragons" you teased as he laughed lightly.

"I don't think they'll happen any time soon. They respect me too much to do so!" He puts his fist out and punches the air, you shush him quietly seeing as it was late and Hana was sound asleep in her room, he apologized and lowered his voice. "The black dragons ain't gonna stop growing anytime soon. I already have my eyes set on my next two captions''

"Oh? And who might they be" you set your focus on a deep gash he has on his forehead.

"Keizo Arashi, the third generation leader of Regnarok, and Wakasa Imaushi, leader of Kodo Rengo.

You blink "You're—you're kidding right?" You watch him shake his head, No, "Sano—those two are toe to toe against each other. I doubt they want to be in the same gang with one another., but if they do I don't think it's going to work out very well"

"Don't worry, I already have a set date. If they don't say yes then I'll just have to fight them!"

"You'll die" You deadpan down at him and he shrugs.

"I don't think I'll die" he sighs "I think it's more of I'll be out in a coma and never wake up"

"You are an idiot. I Don't know how you're going to do it—You can barely pull a punch on someone. you can barely fight" you laughed as you glanced up at his face. He pouted as he looked away. "Maybe your little brother was telling the truth after all"

"I can fight!" He argued back and he thought for a moment. "but Y'know I'm just too lazy to swing at people. It's a waste on energy that's why I don't fight back most of the time"

"Why? So you can let other people have the advantage of knocking you out?" You asked amused.

"Obviously" shinichiro rolled his eyes. With a small laughter you sit back down at the small desk that you were seated at before Shinichiro had come knocking at your door. The delinquent eyed you as you worked at a piece of fabric. It belonged to one of his soon to be members, he could tell by the gold threads. Shinichiro had also noticed the four to seven other small paper bags, all with the same initials B.K. Shinichiro felt guilty. Guilty for overworking you, and all for just noticing he was overworking you. Although it really isn't his fault. It's past midnight and you should be home sleeping, not fighting the urges to sleep and staying up finishing his uniforms.

"Sano" you called out, making the teen go tense "you're staring too hard. Is there something on my face?"

"No....I-I was just thinking about something 'small" he gulp hard to the point where you can hear it. You raised a brow.

"What about?"

"Why are you still calling me Sano?" He asked quickly.

You tilted your head like a confused puppy before thinking. Maybe you were thinking a little too hard.

"Um.... I don't know" you shrugged "Should I not call you that anymore...?"

"No, it's just—we've known each other for almost four months now. I just thought that by now you'll be calling me Shinichiro" he pointed out.

"I don't know honestly, I just thought maybe we aren't close enough for me to be calling you by your first name. It's kinda the same way you haven't been calling me by my first also" it's your turn to point something out and he goes tense. "It's not like a bad thing to do. I just never notice until you said something"

"Well" he gets up from his seat, standing tall as you look up at him confused. Sometimes Shinichiro was a hard person to figure out. Not like it's a bad thing or anything—he's just so random you don't really know what he's going to do next. "From this point, I want you to retire as Shinichiro, not Sano, or anything else. Or unless you have a nickname for me like handsome, sexy, baby-"

"Okay don't get ahead of yourself there, Sano '' you quickly groan and Shinichiro hums. He stretches his hand towards you for you to shake.

"Well then. Let's agree to be on a first name basis.

You shake his hand

"That's fine by me. Shinichiro"

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