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"I've never been on a motorcycle before" you laugh nervously. Shinichiro gets himself settled down first before he turns his waist to help you get on. Helping you balance yourself behind him.

"Never?" he turns forward—grabbing his helmet and turns back around, placing it on your head. You shake your head no as you clip up the helmet from under your chin.


"Well this is your lucky day!" Shinichiro says as he starts up the engine. He runs his head slightly and glances at you "hold on tight if ya don't wanna fall off"

"Okay" you mumbled softly. Your body softly leaning down to wrap your arms his waist—Chin placed gently on his shoulder "just let me know if I squeeze you to tightly"

You can see him nod his head and turn it to face his friend beside him. Giving each other singles before the both speed off. Shinichiro is up first with his friend following close behind. It was a nice change. You didn't expect to like it this much. Although you would constantly hide your face behind Shinichiro's back—hiding your face from the harsh wind that hits it and before you knew it the three of you had reached your destination.

They stop in front of an old abandoned run down building. With the signs torn down with only a few letters still up. The windows were boarded up slightly as well as for the door to which was completely made out of wood with graffiti drawn on it. Shinichiro turns off the engine to his vehicle and helps you get off first before he gets off himself. You unclip the helmet and hand it to him as he mumbles out a small "thanks"

"Everyone's inside doing their own thing. We've had them waiting enough" the scared male pips up as he walks beside you.


He opens the door and keeps it open as you enter. The inside wasn't shocking to you at all, everything was dark with the only main light source being the sunlight from outside—it wasn't a lot but it was enough to where you can see where everything and everyone was. Your eyes land on—well practically everyone in the building. It was around thirty to forty people closely around the ages of fifteen to eighteen. A prearranged small group, but that's how it all starts out in the beginning.

"Listen up!" Shinichiro yelled from behind you—startling you a little.

Everyone stands their ground, those who were sitting are now on their feet—looking forward as they hear—they're now caption—speaking. Shinichiro has everyone's respect and they have his. His presence from behind gets closer to yours and he places his hand on your shoulder.

"This is Y/N L/N! She's here to um..."

"I'm just here to find all your measurements for the fitting of your uniform, that's all." You speak up. Shinichiro hums beside you "It would take no less than five minutes per person"

"So can I please have everyone in a line? That way it can be easy for both you and me?"

They didn't move. Not once inch. You turn to look at the other two males.

"Ya heard the lady! Move your asses"


You thank whatever was above that it was easy and simple. Although it did take about two—maybe three hours at most. At least at the end they weren't all stiff—not like the other groups of delinquents who had done before them. These people were really talkative and playful. Which surprised you to say the lease. They didn't look or sound the like type that were doing this to serve dominance to a certain place with other peoples. These people looked like normal teens who just simply wanted to have fun and most would tell you the same exact story. One about Shinichiro. You finished up with the last person and the only people that were left were Shinichiro Sano him self and his scarred friend. The scarred male was the first one to go before Shinichiro—seeing as the male himself was easy to spot.

"I never got a name," you smile. Extending your arms from either side—a gesture that he followed shortly after.

"Takeomi. Takeomi Akashi"

You hum and with his arms extended wide you unroll a soft tape measure and measure to the tip of his fingers over his arm shoulder and other arm to the tip of his fingers on the over side. You decided to start a conversation with him.

"How long have you known him" you say—him referring to Shinichiro. You spread your legs slightly, another gesture Takeomi follows.

"Childhood friend of mine" he glances down at you as you measure the size of his waist from behind "You?" You glance back up at him and smiled

"I have only known him since the day he came asking for me in my home Ec club. But people talk" you laugh slightly. Finally done with the measuring you pick up a notepad—the pages filled the names of everyone with their measurements and heights.

"How tall are you Akashi?"

Takeomi thinks for a second before he answers you honestly: "183 cm"

You write it down with a simple hum before you close the notepad gently. "You're all done. Thanks for making this easy for me"

He mumbles something under his breath that's hard to hear off. But you can only assure it was a "you're welcome"

Shinichiro is the last person who you get to. With the same gestures as before he follows shortly after. starting with his arms you get behind him. "I heard from a couple of black dragons that you challenged them to a fight. Is that why we're all bruised up?"

"Yep!" He answers quickly and laughs "I told them if I win they'll have to join me but if I lose they can leave"

"Clearly you won"

"No actually I got my sorry ass beat" he shyly rubs the back of his neck as you glance at him "but they all still manage to come along, so I guess it was a fair trade for me"

"You lost?" Yours shocked but then removed what others say about him "wait actually sano, that's not really a Surprise from what I hear"

Shinichiro gives you an offended look before he huffs "you should have seen the others"

"The only one here that's all bruised up is you sano. The other boys don't have any" you laugh and he rolls his eyes. You move on to his waist and his legs.

"How tall are you?"

"I82 and I had to show them that I'll be a great leader!"

"Yeah but you ended up showing them that you suck ass at fighting" Takeomi sighs out "why they decided to join is beyond their reasoning"

You let out a laugh and shinichiro huffs annoyingly.

"Don't listen to him. He's lying"

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