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School was one of the most boring places you could ever be. The fun part of it was staying after school running the home Economics clubs. Especially with May, who honestly makes it more fun than it should be. You're sitting peacefully at your dealing sewing up a jacket that had belonged to your sister who had accidentally ripped it while she was playing around. The sound of soft chatters between the other girls in the room and the sound of the sewing machine going off could be heard—it's a soft comforting noise that brings you at peace.

"What the hell did I tell you about coming up here and disturbing our time?!"

Suddenly the comforting sound was gone just like that by sudden yells coming from the doorway. You sign as you put the fixed up jacket onto the desk and look up. Spotting a familiar black head at the door way with her hands on her hips, with her back facing you as she faces the open door way.

'This feels familiar.....'

"Look I just need to see y/n-" it's the sudden voice that makes you perk your head and lean back against the chair to try and match the voice with a faces

"It's L/N to you Sano" She sassed out.


Shinichiro huffed out a sigh, the piece of clothing in his arms folding neatly and an arm behind his arm hiding something. He rolls his eyes at her.  "Listen, Maeda, it won't take up most of her time! Ten minutes and that's it!

"No is no Sano!" May snaps "she's busy"

You get up from your seat with a sigh and walk towards them placing your hand at Mays back.

"May why don't you go help the girls on the back—I think they're struggling with the machine" you smile up at her "I'll take care of Shinichiro alright?"

She mumbled something under her breath before she stepped away from the situation. You shake your head and frown at Shinichiro who gives you a grin. 

"What do you need this time?"

He seems to hesitate for a while before he hands you that folded clothing. Upon a closer look you see that it's his Black dragon uniform. Everything looked fine by the looks and you give shinichiro a confused look.

"I'm confused there's nothing wrong with it"

He gulps harshly before he unhides his arm from his back showing two long pieces of fabric. You stare at it before you unfold his uniform in front of you. Your mouth hangs open when you see what missing piece.

"HUH?! How did you manage to rip off the sleeves?!?" You shout. Shinichiro shushes you.

"It was an accident!" He yells out "me and my brother were fighting over it and then this happened!"

You sigh out and move to your left, making a clear way for Shinichiro to enter "okay—just— Just come in I'll fix it for you"

"Thank you"

You lead Shinichiro to the same spot you were sitting at—moving Hana's jacket out of the way as you placed his uniform on top of the desk and grabbed your school bag from under your chair. Shinichiro pulls out a chair from behind him and sits directly in front of you.  Your school bag sits on your lap and you unzip it open—pulling out a small box of what contains different colored thread and three needles. Obviously with the color of the uniform you choose black.

Shinichiro watches as you struggle just a tad bit to get the thin thread into the small hole at the end of the needle and watches you flip the black coat inside out. The leader of the black dragons drags his chair closer to the table to get closer to you. He leans his head a little to get a closer look.

Shinichiro knows you're good with sewing and nothing in that category—but he's never actually seen you do it with his own eyes before. He's almost memorized by the way your fingers move quickly to get the needle through the fabric—attaching the two pieces together with ease.

"Maeda is watching me" he squints his eyes at you "I can feel her burning holes at the back of my head"

You hum and glance at May. You two catch each other's eye and you give her a look to which she only rolls her eyes and turns her back to you.

"She doesn't like me very much. And I don't know why" shinichiro huffs out.

"Don't worry. It has nothing to do with you but rather what you do" you reassured him "you didn't do anything to her, if you did she would have told me and I would be making your life hell if that were the case but it fortunately isn't"

"Then why?"

"That isn't my place to tell shin"

You bring the loose thread up to your mouth and place it between your teeth before you snap it apart. Gently you swatted the spot until it was clean. "There you go. Good as new"

Shinichiro beams you a toothy smile and takes his his uniform off your hands "you work fast"

"Kinda have too"

He gets up from his seat and boys down at you "thank you so much, you're in my debt Y/n!"

"That's what everyone says!"

You two say your goodbyes to each other, Shinichiro closes the door behind him and you sigh. Grabbing a hold of Hana's jacket you finish up the last stitch before you are done.

At the end of the day you waved goodbye to the others as they left the classroom. You and May stayed behind to clean up the room before you two had called it a day and left. 

It was quiet between the two of you as you walked towards the same spot before you to go your sortear ways. May is the first one to break the silence.

"Since when were you and Sano on a first name basis?" She questions

You shrug "a couple days ago maybe? It's just happened"

You two stop at your destination—which is also where you meet up with Hana. You two say your goodbyes before May carries on with her walk home.

"Oh and May?" You call out.

She stops and turns to look at you with a questionable look. "Yeah?"

"Don't worry" you gave her a reassuring

"I didn't tell him anything he didn't need to know"

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