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Shinichiro did get a good old scolding from his grandpa after hearing that news from Mikey that he had lost Emma. With Mikey laughing in the background and Emma scolding him by pinching his cheeks, Shinichiro was punished, so that he could learn his lesson.

"Man this sucks!" Shinichiro complains to his king time best friend Takeomi, who seemed to have had enough of Shinichiro that day. "How the hell am I supposed to lead a group of delinquents if I get my ass beat by my grandpa and get grounded!"

"You're acting like you don't get your ass beat by everyone" Takeomi huffs out a breath of smoke. Shinichiro glares up at him slightly before he sighs out.

What was supposed to be an afternoon of Shinichiro discussing and coordinating with the soon to be 'black dragons' turned into an afternoon of him staying home and canceling his plans, spending his time in his garage-like room. With the remaining hours that were left before he had to go to bed—he tries to catch up on missing work from school. And he had a lot of work to do, but honestly—was he really going to start his homework? Yes, was he going to finish it and turn it in the next day? Probably not.

But truth be told he wasn't actually doing his work—instead he was sitting on the floor fixing up his motorcycle. He was covered in sweat, even with the window open to keep him cool. Shinichiro was too deep into his own thoughts when a sudden Knock broke them. His head snapped to his closed door.

"Who is it?!" He calls out before he gets up, wiping his sweaty dirty hands on his blue pants he was wearing.

"Shinichiro!" It was Mikey "the pretty girl from last time is here! I think she's here to reject you!"

"If she rejects him, that's his twenty-first rejection!"

He could hear the slight snickers from both Mikey and Baji. Then a third voice chimes in.

"Shut up! You don't know that!" It was Emma scolding the two boys.

Shinichiro trips over his feet and manages to knock down a couple of things in his room before he's able to open the door. He's met with e/c eyes that belong to you. You're standing behind the two little boys, with Emma standing next to you holding your hand. You wave at Shinichiro with a smile.

"L/n?" Shinichiro says "what are you doing here?

"I'm done with your uniform" You left up your free arm, one that was holding a bag with something inside it. You shake it slightly  "Just wanna run it by you before I have to actually give it to you"

He opens the door a little bit more so you could enter his bedroom. You go in, but no before you let go of Emma's hand. She doesn't complain. Mikey and baji tried to enter Shinichiro's room quickly but not before Shinichiro could push them back out.

"Nope. Sorry Not today you two" Shinichiro apologized. Mikey huffs.

"I'm going to tell grandpa if you don't let us in!" Mikey wines.

"I don't think your grandpas going to believe shinichiro has a girl in his room"

"You're right"

Shinichiro rolls his eyes and mumbles something under his breath before he slams the door in their faces. He turns back at you and frowns, watching as you cover your mouth with your hand.

"It's really not that funny"

"I'm sorry" you coughed out, and placed the bag on the desk Shinichiro had in his room and pulled on the uniform. You hold it up to your shoulders and turn to face. "So...what do you think?"

Shinichiro doesn't say anything and all he does is stare. You start to second guess yourself as you pull the uniform off from the front part of your body and stare back at it, eyes trying to figure out what was wrong with it. Maybe the stitching? Too much gold lining? Did I spell anything wrong? Was the black fabric too dark?

"If—If you don't like it I can take it back and change a few things" you start to fold up the piece gently "no big deal"

"It looks amazing!"

The sudden outburst from the older Sano makes you jump a little. You turn to look at him, the frown that once covered your face was now replaced with a huge grin as Shinichiro smiles brightly. You had him in his uniform and he gladly took it off your hands. He admires it from afar as he pulls it further from his body.

"I have to try this on!" He excitedly says before draping the coat and pants onto his bed. He forgets your there and starts to strip. You can feel your face start to heat up and you start to freak out.


You cover your eyes quickly and turn around. Shinichiro yells out a faint 'Sorry' before he gets back to fitting into his new clothes. The sound of shuffling comes to a stop, and you're finally able to turn back around. Shinichiro is glancing at himself through a mirror he has in the corner of his room amazed. His hand running over the fabric on his body gently, finger tracing every gold lining that was visible in sight. He reaches for his phone.

"Do you mind if I call Takeomi? You remember him don't you?"

You shake your head "yeah I do remember him. And you've read my mind sano because I was hoping he'll be here so I can give him his uniform"

Takeomi had arrived about a few minutes after Shinichiro had called him to come over. Now he's standing in front of the same mirror wearing the now black dragon's uniform. He eyes himself through the reflection and nods at you, who's sitting down at the singular couch Shinichiro has in his bedroom.

"I did think you had it in you" he grins and you shrug

"I've had some practice"

You get up from your seat, hands wiping themselves on the side of your thigh out of habit and you sigh. "I'll stop by the black dragon's official spot at some point tomorrow after school. I'll give you my phone number, since I my phone is dead"

You give off a sheepish smile at the two boys, Shinichiro struggling to find his phone on his now messy bed and finds it under his pillow. He grabs it then hands it to you before he walks away to another part of his room. You open the phone before you punch in your phone number, before closing the phone again.

"You want my phone number too?"

You look up at and stare at Takeomi who looks done at you with a smirk. You gently smile at him.

"Sorry, your aren't really my type Akashi"

Shinichiro's snorted back laugh could be heard and Takeomi gave him a glare, when with shinichiro back turned to him he could feel it burning holes at the back of his head.

"What are you laughing about?" He mumbles before taking a long drag from his almost gone cigarettes.

Shinichiro turns back around facing the two of you and shrugs. He has an envelope in hand and hands it to you.

"Here. Both mine and Take His money are in there. Everyone else will hand in theirs tomorrow"
You notice a wad of cash when you open the envelope. "Thank you honestly. This means so much"

You let out a slight now before you extend your arm to Shinichiro.

"It was a pleasure working with the leader of the Black dragons.

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