Pt 9: My crush is....

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Sakusa's POV:

It was now 11 years since I met Atsumu. When I met Atsumu, I felt like he would be annoying but once I got to know him better, The feeling changed. I started to realize that I had something towards Atsumu but I never really tried to kniw what it is, I just thought that it was a meaning that I liked him as a friend but now, I realized that it was more than that.

I first realized the feeling when I watched Atsumu sleep for the first time...

He looks cute.... Wait What?!?!? What are you thinking Sakusa? Cute?.... It is true tho... He's very cute.... and pretty... Wait what? What's this feeling? I feel.... happy and safe.

I felt my face burn up, Was I blushing? I then teleported to a mirror then saw myself a bit red.

What is wrong with me? Why do I feel happy? I never felt anything before....

I then went teleported to the library to look for answers and I found it....

'When ghosts are in love, they tend to feel emotions instead of feeling nothing, they can feel happiness, sadness, and more.'

Wait... So.... I'm in love with Atsumu? No... This can't be right? A ghost can't love a human... Ugh... I should just put this back.

As I went to put it back, I saw in the corner of my eye a book called 'A Ghost and Human love'

Wait... So I can love a human?

I then got the book and read a few pages, not all an I found out I can!

So I can fall in love... Oh wow.... This is new..

I then put back the book and teleported to Atsumu's house. Atsumu was still asleep.

Whew... Thank God he's asleep.

I then stared at him a long time thinking...

He looks cute.... really cute. I guess I do love him...

I then stared at Atsumu Sleep for a bit then went to the rooftop to relax and maybe even look at the clouds while thinking of his cute an pretty face...

Oh no.... I'm extremely in love.... Too much in love.

I'm in love with a ghost!Where stories live. Discover now