Pt 20: Some guests are coming

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Time Skip~ 1 week later

No One's POV:

It's been a week since Atsumu and Sakusa told everyone about their relationship and everything was going smoothly!

Sakusa loved Atsumu and Atsumu also loved Sakusa. Osamu hasn't tried to kill him YET since Sakusa hasn't hurt Atsumu nor made him cry which is making Osamu trust him bit by bit.

As I said, everything was going smoothly with the Family until the family of a friend of Atsumu's Mom was going to visit.... that's when, They would find out about the 'secret'.

Atsumu's POV:

I was playing Online games with Omi until mom called us. "Kids! Come down! It's time for lunch and there's guests here!" "Ok Ma!" I shouted. Me and Omi then ran downstairs. We then say a family with black and curly hair and had a teenager with them, looked like the same age as us. The boy had brown hair and was a few inches shorter than me.

"Kids, meet Mrs. Kiroomi and Mr. Kiro" "Hello!" All of us said (Me, Omi, 'Samu, and Suna). "Hello kids! Oh what nice kids you have Miya-san!" "Oh thank you! But uhm... the twins are my real kids. The curly one is adopted and the other one is the neighbors' son." "Oh? Interesting! Hey Komori? Why don't you introduce yourself?"

"Oh right! Hi I'm Komori and I'm their niece!" "Wait niece?!? I thought ya were their son!" I said "W-well... My couz passed away when he was born..." Komori said "Oh that's so sad" Mom said.

As Mom kept saying sorry for their loss, A thought came into mind...

Didn't Omi die when he was born?

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