Pt 21: The Family's son's name

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Atsumu's POV:

Didn't Omi die when he was born?

I thought about it for a while as Mom kept on comforting them.

No... It's just a coincidence... yeah... Just a coincidence..

After that, Mom told us to go to the table and eat. As We were eating, ma asked the other family, "What was you child's name gonna be? If you don't mind" "Oh, It's fine! Actually, we were gonna name him 'Sakusa Kiyoomi' It does suit well with our last name, Sakusa" Our eyes then widened...

So my thoughts were right.. They are Omi's parents

"Hm? Are you lots okay? Why are you all shocked when I told you my son's name? Is it a bad one?" "Uh.." mom said, they were all staring towards us...

Oh no..

"Kiyoomi? Atsumu? Are you not telling us something?" Mom asked "Wait what? Kiyoomi?" Mrs. Sakusa said. "Uh... W-we can explain.." "Miya Atsumu! Sakusa Kiyoomi! Why the hell is Kiyoomi's full name the same as their son's full name?!?" "Wait what?!?" Everyone then looked at us.

Oh no... How do I-

I then looked at Omi, he looked shocked and scared. He then stood up from his seat and ran to our room. "Uh-... I'll explain later... I'll go to Omi first" I said then stood up from my seat "Ats-" Mom said but I didn't stay there and listen, instead I ran to the room and locked the door.

What the... How? What kind of Coincidence is this?!

I then went to Omi who was at the bed. "Omi? Are ye alright?" "A-atsu... Why are they here?" "I-.. I don't know.." "How do we explain to everyone that I was dead and somehow, for some odd reason, risen back from the dead?" "I-... I also don't know.." "Oh no... No no.. This is bad... They'll probably think that were lying and then throw us away and then-" He then hyperventilated. "Omi. Breathe. Breathe in *breathes in* Breathe out *breathes out* Come on Omi, do what I did." Omi then started doing it and after a while , he stopped hyperventilating.

"Ok, Omi. Don't worry, We'll figure it out. No one's throwing no one away!" "You sure?" "I'm sure Omi!" Omi then smile a bit "thanks Atsu" "Yer welcome Omi! Now how about we just tell them the whole story... Well not every detail but.. ya know what I mean" Omi then chuckled "Yeah, I do know what you mean"

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