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"Hey, Rok Soo, are you awake?"


"I know you are, don't pretend," I said, lightly smacking the person beside him.

"If you know, why are you still talking?" He heard him grumble, probably grumpy because he had interfered with his beauty sleep.

"Well, I was curious about something."

"Then stay curious about it, I'm going back to sleep."

"How mean, is that how you treat your lover?"

"Is this how you treat your exhausted lover?" he countered.

"It's your fault you keep on working despite your dream of being a slacker, " I replied back, being sure to exaggerate the words work and slacker.

"... Why did I marry you again?"

"Because you love me?"

"I'm regretting that decision."

"Well, too bad you're stuck with me now, " He told him, chuckling as he heard more grumbles.

"Anyway, back to the subject, hey... Rok Soo? " He paused for some dramatic effects.

"What is it? Tell it already so I can go back to sleep. "

" Sorry, sorry I'll be sure to keep it short." I replied, dripping in sarcasm.

"Do you... believe in reincarnation?"

"Ha? Where did that come from? "

"Nothing, I just read it somewhere and I got curious."

"Haa... such nonsense"

"Oh? Do you not believe in it? "

"I don't care about those stuff, it doesn't interest me."

"Ohhh... You are quite the non-imaginary person, " I said sarcastically.

"But why don't you believe it? If I may ask, oh so wise Kim Rok Soo"

"Tch" He heard him click his tongue as he turned and looked at me.

" I don't like to expect something that is likely not true, because if it is, will you willingly accept death? I hate death. The thought repulses me. It's the same with getting hurt, so stop thinking of such nonsense. "

"Oh? Are you worried I'd willingly die? " I asked teasingly.

"If you do, I want a refund from that ring"

"What, no way!" I quickly moved away from him, quickly hiding my left hand, which was holding the ring. "It's my precious treasure. You can't have it." I said, playing along, trying to dissolve the serious atmosphere.

"Then let me sleep." He turned around, trying to get comfortable.

"... hmm, for me... I hope it's true. "

"Didn't I just say that—"

"Hey Rok Soo, I hope in my next life I'd still find you." I heard him scoff, probably in disbelief that I ignored him.

"... Stop talking nonsense and go back to sleep"

"Oh, are you flustered, dear husband?" I teased

"Shut up."

I chuckled because of his cute actions

" Yes, I'm sure in my next life, I'll find you and fall in love with you again."

"Just go to sleep."

"I love you, Rok Soo."


That dream again...

"HUMAN! Your awake! "

"Nyaaa, this is a surprise."

"It is nyaa~"

When they neared their guardian, they were shocked because he looked pale.

"Human? Human what's wrong? Did you get a nightmare? "

"... it's nothing"

"Don't worry, human, I, the great and mighty Raon Miru, will chase those nightmares away."

"We'll help, Nyaa."

"Yes, we'll help too."

He didn't reply, only patting them in the head as an acknowledgement.

'I hate these memories...'

"I hate that I will probably never meet you again."


(Uhm, so this is super random and I wrote this delirious from my fever. So sorry if it's a bit, uh, half-hearted... I only typed because my mind kept bugging me too. Anyways, Thank you for reading and voting. ~ Don't get sick like me ~ CIAO~)

My Missing Half (TCF x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now