Chapter 2: Dragon

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"Hey Raziel!" He turned and saw a man, but his face was blurred. However, instead of tensing up to the unknown person's presence, he couldn't help but feel safe and warm.

'Who are you?'

"Are you still sulking?" was the deadpanned response he got and couldn't help but turn his back on him.

"Really, you can be so childish"

"I'm not childish... it's called giving the cold shoulder to his reckless partner," he heard himself grumbling.

'Wait... partner?

"Reckless? What are you talking about? " He felt irritated, but he didn't know why.

"You ARE! You keep working so hard that you have so little time to rest. You keep on trying to fight and put yourself in danger even though we said that we could handle it... I'm supposed to be your partner. Someone you could lean on to help you bear the burden..." he felt himself deflate.


"At this rate, you're more of a workaholic than a slacker. " he mocked, he could feel the other look at him in incredulity.

"You're so troublesome." was the annoyed response, and he couldn't help but try to retaliate.

"Who's troublesome, you dense-" 

"If I told you I'd get some rest, would you stop sulking?" 

In a normal circumstance, he would have kept up his childish anger, but he felt tired and just wanted to forget the danger that lurked around them and the loss of their other comrades from their last expedition.

He wanted to forget that the person he liked almost died, and he couldn't do anything about it.

"...all right... But you're cooking me some food, " he could feel the person beside him sigh in disbelief, but he could catch a gleam of fondness, which made him blush a bit.

'Thankfully it was too dark for him to see ...'

"Really, you're such a troublesome partner."

"You still love me though," was his joking response.

"Yeah..." he heard me mutter.

"Wait a minute... "

"Uh, R-rok soo? Can you repeat that? " He turned around, but the person was already leaving.

'Rok Soo? Is that his name? '


"Rok SOO! Hey, come on, " he whined, trying to catch up to him.

"I can't hear you."

"Such a cold reply..."

"I really can't... because you are already dead." He noticed Rok Soo suddenly stopped and turned to face him. He could feel a chill go down his spine as he stepped back. He suddenly felt terrified because it felt wrong.

"You're dead... Raziel... why?"

"You told me you wouldn't..."

"No I-"

"You're dead and I think I'm going crazy..." he saw the person slump down.

"Rok Soo I-"

"Just leave..."

"Wait I-"




"WAIT! I-" He gasped as he woke up.

'What was that?... no more like... that person... What does he mean by dead?' As he muse of these thoughts, he suddenly recalled what happened.

'I fell in the water then...'

"Hm? What is this thing doing in my lair? "

He tensed up quickly and took in his surroundings. He noticed that this place was larger than the cave from which he woke up from. It has a long hallway, an office, and even a giant bedroom.

As he observed this, he suddenly felt a strong pressure. It was coming from the door on the left, which he assumed was the bathroom.

'What is this presence... should I leave? ' He can see an exit just a few feet away from him.

He glanced back at the door with a strong sense of pressure and turned back to the exit.

'Yeah, it's better to get out than face whatever it is inside that door'

He tried to walk towards the exit but tripped because he still wasn't used to his new... limbs.

'Ughh... This is so annoying.' He got up again and stumbled towards the exit.

'Just a few more steps'

"Hoo, will you look at that? The little dragon is trying to get away. " He jumped and quickly went into defense mode as he turned towards the person behind him.

Only to see a half-naked man with dark skin and long green hair looking at him with interest and amusement.




He was not ashamed. That the first word that he has ever spoken out of his mouth was that. Nope, not at all.

One day, he will go back to this moment and curse his father-figure.

"HAA?! WHO YOU CALLING PERVERT YOU LITTLE SHIT," the man retorted angrily.

"In my 500 years of life, I have never been insulted to such a degree."

'500?! Such an old man' is his disbelieving look.

"Tch, with your expression, I can see that you're confused." He could see the man sighed heavily, and that made him feel a bit offended.

"How can there be such a dumb dragon?" He turned back at him with interest.

"Wha-this asshole," he reacted angrily to being called stupid by such a perverted individual.

"Really, how can there be such a stupid dragon like you? Never forget this and be honored that I am introducing myself to you little shit. "

"I am the great and mighty dragon, Olienne! " He declared with so much smugness that he wanted to smack him but...

'Wait, he said 'dragon'


(HEHE it's OLIENNE! I'm so sad that he died only being mentioned and shiz... I'm not sure how old Olienne is in TCF, only that he was the oldest dragon in the Eastern Continent, so I'm just going to guess he is the same age as Eruhaben in the novel.

Oh yeah, the picture above is not mine I made it in picrew hehe~

Anyways, thank you for reading and voting ~ CIAO~)

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