Chapter 3: Apprentice

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As they settled down comfortably on the couch, or in Raziel's case, forcefully manhandled to sit in front of the green-haired man. They sat silently observing each other.



And well, let us just say that Raziel really isn't one for awkward and uncomfortable silence.

He lisped, "Pervert wacha loowing at?" and couldn't help but blush a bit. It became more prominent due to his skin? Scale color.

The green dragon, Olienne, was observing him with interest and annoyance before speaking.

"Tch, you... why do you resemble the late Dragon Lord? "

'Dragon Lord?" He could only look at him in confusion.

"I down't know" this lisp is going to be so annoying.

"Speak your words in your head, stupid child."

'Ha?! Who you calling stupid you-'

"You, of course, are you not only a stupid dragon but also a blind one ha? Who else am I referring to except you? "

'Why this little- wait, you can... hear my thoughts?' He looked at him in confusion and shock.

"Tch, you're really a dumb dragon. You can't even control your own mana to do telepathy. You're not even subtle about it. I've been hearing you yapping since you woke up. "

'Okay, those insults are really getting old'

"Get used to it, stupid child." He can see him smirking at him mockingly and really Raziel has enough.

'Goodbye, you fucking pervert,' he staggered down the comfortable couch he had been placed on and started to walk towards the exit door.

"Wait a minute, you stupid dragon!"

'I don't hear anything.' He just ignored the call.

"I said, stop you little shit."

'Hmm, I don't really hear anything' feigning ignorance.

"Tch, fine, stop walking, you little radish."

'...RADISH?! EXCUSE ME?!' He quickly turned and, seeing the smug look of the man as he was able to get his attention, only sparked the fire of anger he felt for him.

"Yes, if you do not want to be called stupid, you are going to have to settle for that."

'Why you I'll show you-'

"Anyway, where are you even going?"

'Hm?" He stopped and couldn't help but tilt his head, which was a bit heavy... Damn this weird body.

"You just recently hatched, didn't you? I can tell with how you are always confused and not well adapted to using your mana. Anyway, with that weak ass body and uncontrolled mana, how will you know what you will be facing when you're outside? How is a stupid dragon like you even going to survive? ha?" He could see him raise his eyebrow, and as much as he wanted to retaliate, he was right. 

He had no idea where he was... heck, everything was confusing, from the vivid dreams that he keeps having, to foreign feelings and unknown languages that he just seemed to understand.


"With your silence, I'm assuming you don't have a plan tch, tch, you poor bastard."

'Then what am I supposed to do?' He finally asked, and in a normal situation, he would have rather drowned than seek advice from this man, but...

"Don't leave me alone... Please, for fuck's sake, it wasn't supposed to end like this... "

"You weren't supposed to die..."

"I love you ..."

"You're dead and I think I'm going crazy..."

He needs all the help he can get. Help to find that person...

"Really, you're hopeless." He could only remain silent and watch as the man sighed and looked at him in contemplation.

"OKAY! I have decided YOU will be my apprentice. "

He gave him a disbelieving look.

'What the FUCK?!'

"Don't worry, I will train you to be a fine dragon. Hehehe, now Haben will finally stop complaining about helping other dragons. Tch, persistent bastard, " He heard him mutter the last part.

'Haben who?'

Olienne waved his hands. "No one important, just an annoying frie- ehem, I mean acquaintance."

"So what's your answer, kid?"

Of course, Raziel went with the most obvious and sane answer in this situation.

'Fuck no' and quickly turned his back, going out, not caring if he would die once he step outside.

But he felt himself being carried back. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, it wasn't a question, kid, you're my apprentice now. Feel honored, little radish "

'IT WAS! YOU FUCKING-' Of course, he was ignored and was easily dismissed... Again.

"Now on to your first training... go clean-up my bathtub "



'This motherfuck-'

And that's the story of Raziel becoming a maid-

I mean, the start of Raziel being tormented by Olienne -

I mean the start of a great father-son bonding time between a lonely dragon and a newborn dragon.

Are they content?

"You shitty apprentice! It ain't cleaned enough! "

'Maybe I don't want to do this shit, stupid, perverted geezer!'

"Who are you calling a pervert, you idiot radish?"


Well, of course, yes, just look at them getting along.




(Hehehe... what a weird chapter... sorry if it's a bit rush I'm kinda nervous about class starting tomorrow and just wanted to get my mind off of it... Oh yeah, with school starting again, expect a slower uhm update... sorry (・x・;).

Oh yeah, Olienne was a bit hard to write because he was only described in the story in Eruhaben's own words as "A complete asshole who always talked back to you, but still a decent guy." So I'ma just try my best to portray him as such.

Anyway, thank you for reading and voting. CIAO~)

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