Chapter 5

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A little dragon was rolling around on a sunny morning, looking up at the sky, watching clouds float by.

"I'm bored."

"Deal with it," a deep and rich voice replied from his other side, and Raziel could already feel a tick in his forehead.

'Why do I have to be stuck with such an old man'

"I heard that."

"You were meant to hear it!"

He heard a sigh and felt satisfaction that he was at least able to irritate the man beside him.

"Why don't you study how to get to the first phase? It's taking too long."

"I already did!"

"Then maybe you're not trying hard enough" was the mocking response he got, and as much as he knew he was being baited, he wasn't one to lose easily.

"Well... maybe the one who taught me wasn't good enough." He smirked as he could see the twitch in Olienne's eyebrow.

"Well, maybe the apprentice is just too stupid to understand something so simple."

His wings flutter in indignation at the older dragons' words.

'Oh... it is ON!'

"Well, maybe the old dragon really didn't teach the little apprentice anything and was just lazing around."

"Well, maybe the little apprentice is just making excuses because he can't do something easy, isn't he?"

"Stinky old man!"

"Idiot apprentice!"

They both fell silent. Only their heavy breathing was heard as they tried to regain their breathing after their shouting session.



When he regained his breathing, he started to fly and turned his back. "I'm leaving. I have other important things to do."

"Tch, just tell me what has been bothering you already stupid radish."

He stopped and looked down at the ground.

"I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Oh, do you need some help remembering? Well, you know the times when you would puff up in frustration, almost resembling a round tomato, or maybe the times you get distracted and zone out. Really, no such dragon would act so undignified-"

"Okay, stop. " He didn't have to turn to see that the older dragon was wearing a smug smile.


"Now tell me."


"I ain't got all day idiot apprentice"

He petulantly flew down on the ground, still not turning around to face Olienne.

"What... what does it mean if you can't go to the first growth despite doing everything?"

"Simple." He was suddenly lifted, making him surprised, before he was settled in someone's lap. He was about to struggle, but the next words stopped him.

"It just means you're not ready yet."

"That doesn't make any sense! I did all the preparation. I learned everything I had to learn, so why can't I-"

My Missing Half (TCF x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now