Chapter 3

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I said as I watched this kid walked by. God he was so cute, I guess Tyrone was looking at who I was staring at. "Why are you looking at him he isn't even cute I don't know why girls throw themselves at him it's just pathetic and all he does is break hearts he is a no go.."he said I raised my finger cutting him off. "Do you even know him? What is his name? Does he have a girlfriend?" I asked. "Really are you serious after all I told you and your still asking questions" he said sounding agitated. "Ok mr. jealous much, I was just asking and if you don't want to answer then I'm just gonna have to ask him" I said as I walked over to him . I push through the group of people around him and pulled him away. "Hi " I said . "Hey I'm guessing your a new girl I haven't seen you around before " he said. "Yea I am, this is my first day actually " I said giggling. "Well maybe we can hang out sometime and get to know each other and we are going to class in a few mind if I walk you" he said. "Sure I'll be right back " he nodded and I ran towards Tyrone. "Guess what you don't have to walk me to my math class " I said jumping on him. "Why, is that kid walking you" he asked. "That kid has a name". "Damien no good Langston" he said with attitude ." Do you even know him? Have y'all ever had a conversation?" I asked. "No and neither do you so just leave him alone" he yelled . " No I won't I'm glad he is walking me and not you" I yelled back. "Alright when he breaks your heart don't come crying to me" he yelled angrily. "Ugh" I yelled in frustration walking away. The bell rang so Damien and I walked to class. "I'm walking you to class and I still don't know your name" he said laughing. "I'm Madison" I said as I stuck my hand out to shake his. "I'm Damien " he said shaking my hand. We talked about our schedule and ended up having most of our classes together. Now I have someone who is as smart as me to hang with. I found out that he was the star basketball player for this school. And how he hates all the attention he gets because of it. He really seems like a down to earth kind of guy and not as mean as Tyrone made him seem . We walked in class and Mr. Carson was writing on the board I really couldn't see his face. But from the looks of all the girls in the front of the class I guess he was. I sat in the back with Damien and a few of his fellow teammates. "Good morning class today we will be learning how to solve quadratic formulas" he said as he turned around. Good god almighty he was fine. I never thought I would end up liking my math teachers. Especially two things I don't like math and teachers. I guess Damien saw me staring and snapped at me bringing me back. "Close your mouth you don't want a bug to fly in" he chuckled. I didn't realize I was staring that hard but they were right, he is CUTE. I think I found a new favorite subject MATH. All through class Damien had to snap me out of my thoughts and stare. He was a really good teacher. He passed out the class work and sat at his desk. I raised my hand and asked " I need help". "Um can anyone help miss....." "Johnson its Johnson " "oh ok can anyone help miss Johnson" he asked. Damien raised his hand and offered to help. I quickly pushed his hand down " he doesn't understand it either" I said. All the girls scolded at me as he came over to help me. I hope this isn't the beginning of a war. Class was finished and I was packing up to go to my next class. "Do you understand now " Damien asked. "Yes I do" I said laughing. "Oh ok good because he also tutors " he said. "He does good cause I need the extra help" I said sarcastically. We both laughed walking out the class. I had history which was boring and Tyrone was there. At lunch I sat with Damien and the basketball team and got to know them a little. And my last class was p.e with Damien and Tyrone. This ought to be good. I entered and saw some cheerleaders stretching and boys was watching them which was quite typical in both cases. I went up to the coach and asked him about the uniform. He gave me my uniform and I went to change. We ran for about 5 minutes and did some exercises. Then we had the option to sit out or play basketball I chose to play until I realized I was the only girl than sat out. Tyrone and Damien was captains and I bet he was happy. They played like if this was a championship game typical boys. I just sat and watched and enjoyed, they both were pretty good at basketball. The coach soon blew his whistle signaling that it was time to leave. I was ready to leave but remembered I came with Tyrone and we weren't currently on speaking terms. I was going to call my mom but then I also remembered my mom was leaving work at 4:00. Just then Damien came over all hot and sweaty, which made him look even sexier than before. I covered my nose smelling his sweaty scent. "It's not that bad" he said. "Uh yes it is you need to take a shower" I said. He hugged me and rubbed all his sweat on me. "Ewwwwww get off of me " I yelled . I saw Tyrone quickly turn his head with a concerned look on his face. Damien started laughing and let me go. "Ew that was nasty" I said . He started to laugh again " girl you act like you don't sweat" he said still laughing. " I don't sweat I sparkle and when I sparkle it's not a lot" I said correcting him. " Oh my goodness anyways we're heading out to the movies later want to come?" he asked. "No I can't but can you give me a ride home?" I asked . "Alright" he said opening his arms for another hug. "Nooooo " I screamed as I ran out the gym. I got outside the building and he came out after pointing to the red Camero. We got into the car and he turned down the radio. "Who did you come with this morning" he asked. "I came with Tyrone but we're not speaking right now" I said as I looked down. "What happened" he asked. I told him the whole story and exactly finished when he pulled up to my house. "Well do I need to pick you up tomorrow he asked. "Yea thanks that be nice " I said giggling . We said our goodbyes and I walked to the door he waited until I got in and left. I went upstairs into my room took a shower and got in bed watching tv until I fell asleep .

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