Chapter 9

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I woke up feeling a lot better then these pass few days. It was 5:45 in the morning. I couldn't go back to sleep so I just grabbed my phone and went on Instagram. I finish scrolling through Instagram and looked at the time 6:00. I tried going back to sleep but I couldn't. 30 minutes passed by as I laid there waiting. I got up and took a shower and brushed my teeth and stuff. I stared at myself in the mirror and thought about the past couple of days. All the drama that I've been through. And it was only the first week of school. I got dressed and went downstairs. My mom was fixing breakfast and Amari sat at the table. "Good morning" I said with an attitude. "The wicked witch of the west has awakened" my mom said loud enough for me to hear. "Funny mom very funny" I said sarcastically. My phone rang and it was Tyrone.
Me: good morning
Tyrone: hey I'm leaving my house I'll be there in ten
Me: ok see you then
Tyrone: alright
I went upstairs and got my bookbag, headphones, and my sweater. I went downstairs and took an apple from the fridge and a piece of bacon. "Bye guys see you later" I said while reading the text from Tyrone saying he was outside. "Wait for me" Amari said running up to me. "And why do I need to wait for you" I stopped looking back at her. "Please Madison don't do this" Amari said grabbing my arm. "You didn't care to think about me in your little game" I said snapping. "I was just proving that you wouldn't do that" she said "they was saying some pretty mean things about you". "When did I start caring about what people say about me, they have always said things about me and I never cared, you know that, we bonded over that" I said. She stood there and water filled her eyes. I walked out to the car where Tyrone was waiting. "Finally, women always taking so long to leave" he said as he started the car " got me seating here for about an hour". "Boy shut up and stop exaggerating" I said buckling up. We were about to pull out when Amari ran up to the car. Tyrone rolled down the window. "Good morning beautiful" he said to Amari. She looked at him with disgusted. "Madison please don't do this I'm sorry I just tried to help you, maybe I over exaggerated when I came up with the plan, but I did it with my best intentions so they would know that you aren't that type of girl, you are the most sweetest, down to earth, kind hearted, optimistic girl I ever met, that is what I love about you, that's why you are my best friend, you could zone out what people say and I can't do that, you know that, it was way too much drama and that was the only way I could actually settle things, I'm so sorry I just ask for your forgiveness, and if you can't I completely understand, I will just go home and leave you alone, I promise just answer me" Amari said, now crying. I couldn't help it and started crying. I ran out the car and gave her a hug. We both stood in the parking lot crying. "I'm not trying to rain on y'all parade or ruin this party of y'all but if we don't go now we will be late" Tyrone said. "Ok ok I'm sorry" Amari said wiping her tears. I ran into the car and buckled up. He pulled out of my driveway and started driving. "Jeez girl I thought she was gonna propose to you" he said. "Haha funny but I know you wouldn't like that" I said. "What makes you say that" he said laughing. "Really good morning beautiful" I said mocking him "you was so flirting with her and she shot you down". "Maybe if you put in a good word for me she would give me a chance" he said. "Naww she likes bad boys, not boys who rushes girls when they are having a moment so they could get to school on time" I said. He looked at me and pulled over into the grass. I looked at him and he just laid his chair back I closed his eyes. I sat there and waited a few minutes. "What are you doing" I said hitting him. He looked at me and closed his eyes back. "Are you kidding me right now" I said pulling him up "we got to get to school ". "You know guys don't like goodie two shoes either" he said fixing his seat. "Hold on I'm looking for where it says I care" I said. He laughed and started the car. "Is that your way to show that you are a bad boy" I said laughing. "Maybe" he said. By time we pulled up to the school the bell rang to go to class. "Nice job bad boy" I said running inside the building. I entered my science class just as the late bell rang. I went and sat next to Nick and he smiled at me. "Good timing" he whispered to me. "Thanks by the way the outfit looks decent, how about Saturday we go shopping" I whispered back. "Oh yea I forgot about that" he said. "Can you geeks please shut up" the girl in front turned around and said "some of us would like to learn". "Ooo I swear that girl makes my skin crawl" I said. Nick looked at me and laughed. The day went by so fast. I walked out and waited for Tyrone to come out. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around to see Nick. "Hey do you want to come by my house and work on our science project together" he said. "Uh sure yea let me call my mom and tell her" I said calling my mom. "Hey you ready" Tyrone came up to me as soon as I hung up the phone with my mom. "No sorry I'm going to Nick's house today" I said. "Why are you going with him you're gonna miss out on ice cream" he said. "Oh man only if I could go to Nick's house and get ice cream, oh wait I can" I said giving Tyrone a hug "goodbye I'll call you if will it makes you feel better. "Sure that would help" he said walking. "Does your father approve of you coming over" he laughed. "Yea I just have to call him". We got in the car and we stopped at the mall to get ice cream. We got our ice cream and sat down at an empty table. "I usually don't do this type of thing" he said. I choked on my ice cream. "What do you mean, sit down with a girl and eat ice cream" I said with my mouth full. "No eat ice cream" he said. "What" I said, my ice cream flew off of my spoon right on his nose. He looked down at his nose and started laughing. "Omg I'm so sorry" I said laughing. "It's ok but y-you got a little something right there" he said. Rubbing my face I said "where". "Right here" he said flicking some ice cream on my face. "Oh my goodness you little..." I yelled laughing flicking a spoonful of ice cream on him. "Oh it's on now" he said. He took his hand and scooped up some ice cream and squished it all in my hair. " you did no just put ice cream in my hair" I said. "Maybe I did maybe I didn't, what you gonna do about it" he said cockily. I got up and dumped the whole bowl of ice cream on him. "That's what" I said. Everyone was looking at us. One guy stood on the table and yelled ice cream fight. Next thing I know people was throwing ice cream left and right.
1 Hour and half later
"Madison Elizabeth Johnson what the hell were you thinking"my mom yelled in the car. The owner of the ice cream parlor stopped everyone from the ice cream fight when it really got out of control. People began to actually fight. Then the called the cops and they broke up everything. And since we started it we got in trouble even though we didn't fight or anything. "I'm sorry mom it was an accident and then he flicked it back on me and we maybe got a little out of hand we didn't stand on the table and yelled ice cream fight some other guy did it wasn't us I promise" I said back. "I don't want to hear it you are grounded so when you get home you go straight into your room and we will discuss this over dinner" my mom snapped back " I was having a bad at work and the last thing I need is for the mall to call me complaining about you and I need to pick you up". I sat there and stared out the window. I got home and went in my room and called Nick but it went to his voicemail. I laid in bed and fell asleep. My mom woke me up to eat dinner but I wasn't hungry so I just fell back to sleep.

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