Chapter 8

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I woke up and honestly did not feel like going to school. I got up took a shower, brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put on some black sweatpants and undershirt with a sweater. "Mom can I stay home today I really don't feel like going to school because I'll probably get in trouble" I said giving her a hug. "Ugh ok but don't make it a habit" she said kissing my forehead. Amari came downstairs and just sat at the table. She looked at me then back at her phone. I just turned my back on her my mom was right I shouldn't be crying I didn't do anything wrong. But it still hurt knowing my friendship was on a very thin line. We sat at the table and they ate breakfast. "Baby you're not eating" my mom said. "No I don't really got an appetite this morning" I said pouring my juice. "Ok I guess" she said taking a sip of orange juice " if that's what you want". "Hey mom could you drop me to school for like 5 minutes" I said. "I thought you didn't want to go to school so you would avoid trouble" she said confused. "Yea that's why I said for like 5 minutes just enough time" I said. "Ok I guess" she said "so Amari what's your plan for the rest of the day". "Well if I'm not home alone today I'll go out and do something" she said throwing massive shade. "Well Amari you could stay here I wouldn't want the guess to get lost out here so you can stay home" I said giving her a fake smile. "Oh how sweet of you to care" she said sarcastically "maybe you should've thought of me when you were making out with my boyfriend". "How was I supposed to know he was your should be mad with him not me...I didn't know that....why don't you get that through your you think I like thinking that I kissed my best friend boyfriend cause trust me I don't if I could go back in time I would've never even walked up to him and just listen to Tyrone" I said yelling. "Mom when you're ready I'll be in the car" I said getting up. "N-no it's ok we can um go now" she said getting up looking for her keys. We got into the car and was pure silence but it was a comforting silence. We pulled up and my mom parked her car. "I'll be back" I said. "Ok Arnold Schwarzenegger" my mom said laughing. "Mom this is not the time to be joking around" I said laughing "I'm supposed to be mad". I walked into the school looking for Damien. I found him and all the anger built up in me more cause he was talking to some other girl that was obviously flirting with him. "Damien" I yelled he turned around. I slapped him straight across his face. Everyone was watching us now. "What was that for" he asked rubbing his cheek. "That was for cheating on my best friend" I said and slapped him again "and that one is because I'm really angry at you". "Hey leave him alone" the girl said pushing me. It was the same girl from science class. "Don't touch me" I snapped. "What you gonna gonna slap me" she said getting in my face. " Listen little girl if you gonna get in someone face make sure your breath don't smell and you brush your teeth" I said covering my nose. She got really upset and slapped me. I was just about to slap her back when someone grabbed my hand turned me around and threw me over their shoulders. "Hey put me down" I yelled. I couldn't see who it was so I asked this kid walking behind me who it was. He had no idea all I know was that he smelled really good. We were in the parking lot and he put me down. I moved my hair out my face and saw Damien. "Ew what is wrong with you" I said fixing my clothes. "Madison this is not necessary" he said. "It's not necessary are you kidding me y" I said then my mom cut me off. "Madison what did you do get in the car" my mom yelled. "Mom but he" I said. "But nothing get in he car you are overreacting" she said. "Your taking his side my friendship is on a very very thin line and your taking up for him...ugh you are so lucky my mom is here" I said getting in the car. "Girl your friendship ain't on no line" she said starting the car. "What are you talking about do you not see all of this Amari doesn't want to even be in the same room as me" I said getting emotional. "Listen you are overreacting just breathe and calm down" she said "where are you going to go when I go to work". "Imma just go to the beach and breathe" I said taking a deep breath. "Ok I guess but I'll keep my phone on me you better keep in touch with me" she said as she started driving. "Ok mom I gotcha" I said laying back down closing my eyes. "What did you do anyways" she asked. "Nothing I'm not gonna get in trouble" I said smiling. We got to the house and Amari was on the couch watching tv I went upstairs and changed my clothes and brought my purse for the beach and got in the car again. My mom was on her phone and didn't realize I got back in. "Hello" I said. "What the" she screamed dropping her phone "baby what is wrong with you" she said hitting me on my arm. We got to the beach and I kissed my mom goodbye and got out. I walked to an empty spot laid my towel down. I put on sunscreen and put my glasses on and laid down. I woke up to see someone laying down next to me. "Hey baby he said. I screamed and punched the guy. "Ah dang Madison" the guy said holding his nose. I got up and took off by glasses to see who it was. "Oh my gosh Tyrone I'm so sorry" I said covering my mouth "are you ok". "Yea I think so am I bleeding" he asked. "No you're not" I said moving his hand. "Well I know that your reflexes are good" he said. "What are you doing here" I asked laughing. "When you was arguing with Damien in the parking lot I was just coming out of my car and I overheard you saying you're going to the beach so I went inside and everyone was going crazy and I was like what's going on so one of my friends showed me the video and then I called my mom and explain that it was an emergency that I had to leave school and meet you here" he explained. "There is a video oh my goodness" I laid back down. "Well of course there was and I think everyone got it" he said. "My life is over I can't go back over there" I said. "Girl get up its just a video of you slapping Damien and then the girl and him picking you up" he said pulling me up. "Ugh I'm going by the shore you coming" I asked getting up. "Sure why not" he said raising his hand for me to pull him up. I pulled him up and ended up falling. He pulled me back up off the sand. We had so much fun and I forgot all about everything I was just living in the moment. When we got out the water and back to where we were my phone was ringing it was my mom.
Mom: hey remember me the person you were supposed to call
Me: yea but I completely forgot Tyrone came to the beach with me and we were in the water and my phone was in my bag
Mom: ok but are you ok
Me: yea
Mom: I'm on my way home you want me to pick you up
Me: sure
Mom: alright I'm on my way
I hung up the phone and went to change back in my clothes. I got back out and my mom was waiting for me. I ran over to get my stuff. I gave Tyrone a hug and said our goodbyes. It was pretty late when we got home. I went upstairs and took a shower and washed my hair and change into my pajamas. "Madison come down dinner is ready" my mom yelled. I went downstairs and sat at the table and then reality hit me all over again. I reached to get the salad. "You know you can ask me" Amari said smiling. This girl couldn't be serious acting all nice now. "Listen Madison I'm not mad at you I actually love you even more then I did before" she said. I never been so confused in my life. "Ok don't be mad but there was a rumor spreading in Cali after you left about you and this girl boyfriend so I asked my cousin who is Damien to you know all of this it was just a big plan to show them that it's not true" Amari said. "Surprise" my mom said. "Hold on" i said getting on my knees "dear Jesus I need you now I have been stressing about this and I slapped a boy twice in his face for no reason God please give me the strength to get up and not do anything I would regret Lord please help me forgive and forget what just happened in Jesus name I pray amen". "Um so did God help you forgive and forget" Amari asked. "Excuse me will you" I asked "wait mom you knew about this all this time". "No baby I found out when we went to the restaurant in the bathroom she was calling him and telling him and I walked in on her so she had no choice that's why I told you that it wasn't worth crying and stuff" my mom said. "Don't be mad at your mom it's my fault" she said grabbing my hand. "Save it Amari" I said. I ran upstairs and shut my door. "Yessss oh my God thank you Jesus" I said as I did my happy dance. I got my phone and told Tyrone everything we talked for a good 15 minutes. Then I texted Damien to apologize.
Me:Hey I'm so sorry for earlier
Damien:She told you
Me:Told me what who is she
Damien: Nevermind
Me: Ok bye
Damien: Goodnight Madison
I heard a knock on my door they want to play me so can I. I got in bed and turned my back towards the door. "Hey baby I brought you a cup of tea since you didn't eat" she said placing it on my nightstand. "Thank you mom but I'm just gonna go to sleep" I said not turning around. "Ok goodnight baby" she said. "Goodnight" I said. She left the room and I got my tea and turned on the tv. After I finished drinking my tea I watched a little more tv then went to sleep.

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