Chapter 7

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I called my mom and told her my plans. Then I called Amari and told her about it and asked if she wanted to join. We went to pick up Amari from my house. We got to his house and went upstairs to get started on our project. He opened up his room door and I stood there in amazement. I never seen a room so clean and organized. "Well this is my closet" he said opening it. My eyes was in so much pain. All his jeans were together and they were all the same color. His school shirts was the same situation. And his rest of his clothes were no different. All plaids and stripes sweater. "Well this definitely has to go" Amari said in disgust. "Yea at least the reaction wasn't as bad as I expected " he said "I'll go get some water I'll be back". "My reaction could have been worst I was near to death I saw the light for a second" Amari said acting out her death. "Girl get up we have work to do and lots of it" I said putting a hint of seriousness "plus we going out to dinner tonight". He came back with the waters and sat them down on his night stand. " Ok so what are we throwing away first" he asked sitting on his bed. "Well we aren't going to be throwing away stuff but if we do it will be donated" I said sitting on his bed. "Yes donated to the trash can" Amari said. "No donated to goodwill or something" I laughed. "Ok I guess but first we have to see how you would dress to a certain place" Amari said pulling him off the bed and pushing him towards the closet. "Ok you are going to a beach party on a really hot summer day what would you put on" I asked. He shook his head and went into the closet. We sat there for what felt like hours waiting on him. "Baby are you ok" Amari said sounding like a grandma. "I don't know which shirt to choose" he said back. "Well just come out how you are" I said. "Yea which ever you got on" Amari added. He walked out in some cargo shorts and his undershirt. "Well we see you couldn't seriously pick one" Amari said. "Well I think it looks good" I said getting up "plus guys nowadays wear this all the time especially to the pool or the beach so I think you did good". "True you got a point ok next thing" Amari said pulling me back down on the bed. We went through every situation you could think of and it was pointless. "I never seen someone so dry and have no fashion sense" Amari whispered to me. "Tell me about it" I whispered back laughing "ok it's getting late and I have plans so um can we reschedule tomorrow" I said getting off the bed. "Ok that works plus I have a study group to attend to" Nick said. "And Amari promise me that no matter what happens you are gonna come here and meet me tomorrow" I said looking directly in her eyes. "Of course boo why wouldn't I" she said "I mean it wasn't that tortuous for me not to come". "Ok shake on it" I said. We did our special handshake that we made up back in California. I called my mom and asked if she could pick us up. 10 minutes later my mom called for us to come outside. He walked us outside and we said our goodbyes. "Ok so we get home get dressed and then go out to eat then do that and go home ok" she said as we buckled up. "Well hello to you too mom" I said sarcastically. "Yea jeez my day went great thanks for asking" she said pretending to be hurt. "Ugh I'm so sorry it's been a stressful day" she said rubbing her head "and it will only get more stressful". We had a 15 minute drive to our house from his house. When we got there I got out and let Amari head towards the house before me. "Well what are you gonna do" my mom asked. "We get to the restaurant eat in the main dish probably I'll tell her and then we go on from there" I said nervously. We got inside and I took at shower. Usually I enjoyed showers because I was relaxed and all the stress goes away. But this time it was like more stress was added all the thoughts of how horrible the night can go. I got out and went straight to my closet. I pulled out my black jump lace sheath dress and got my gold heel and some gold jewelry. I went back in the bathroom and flat ironed my hair and then braided it. I got out and put on my dress and jewelry. I walked downstairs and my mom was wearing a black jumpsuit with a beaded waistline. "Wow mom you look pretty but I thought you would wear a dress" I said shocked. "No just in case it gets bloody tonight I can easily separate y'all without anything to worry about plus if something were to happen to my dress we would also be fighting" she said picking up her purse. Amari came down wearing a turquoise medallion lace skater dress with white heel and white jewelry. "So we are ready to go can't wait for tonight to be over isn't that right Madison" my mom said walking towards the door. "Yup got that right mom jeez you never been more right" I said walking through the door heading towards the car. "Why so down its a beautiful night and every restaurant in Miami seems to be great so what's the reason" Amari said happily. "You'll see why sadly" I said getting in the car. We drove to the restaurant and got in and seated pretty quickly. "Hello welcome what would you ladies have to drink tonight" the waitress said. "I'll get a mango tea" I said. "I'll get a sprite" Amari said. "I'll get a water with lemon" my mom said. "What about appetizers would you like any" she asked. "Are you guys down for some cheddar and broccoli soup" my mom said. "Of course" me and Amari said. That was one thing we shared the love for cheddar and broccoli soup. "Ok so would that be three cheddar and broccoli soup"she said. "Yes ma'am" my mom said. A few minutes later the waitress came with our drinks and soup. "We sat there talking about everything we could. Just to catch up of things thats been going on in California. We finished our soup and soon our main dish came.We were in the middle of dinner and my mom started kicking me under the table signaling me that I should go and start explaining. "So Amari you know that you are my best friend and I would never do something purposely to hurt you especially something so personal to you" I said staring at my food. "Yea of course" she said drinking some of her soda. "Ok so you wouldn't be mad at me since I kissed your boyfriend" I said really fast. She spit out her soda and it went all over the table. She just looked at me with shock,anger and hurt. "Amari I'm sorry I didn't know he never told me anything about y'all" I said as she got up. I went to go after her but my mom pulled me back down. "Let her go baby she needs time she probably feeling mixed emotions" my mom said rubbing my arm. "I thought she wouldn't be mad I mean it's not like I did it on purpose" I said while my eyes began to get watery. "Baby it's ok" my mom said trying to console me. "I wasn't mad when she stole my boyfriend in 3rd grade we actually got closer" I said as I started crying. "Awww baby come here" she said pulling me in for a hug. Amari hadn't came out and it's been a while. "I'm gonna go check on her I'll be back"my mom said. I got up off from leaning on her. My makeup probably looked a hot mess but I couldn't go in the bathroom cause Amari was in there and she probably doesn't want to see me. I wouldn't want to see me either. My mom took a while I bet she was begging her to come out so we could go home. Ugh why did I have to fall for him I should've just listen to Tyrone and not be stubborn. Then none of this would be happening. But then I wouldn't have as much fun as I did or made as much friends as I did. Wait what was I thinking anything associated with Damien was bad. But I couldn't judge his other friends and they seem loyal to their girlfriends. And their girlfriends don't look like they would backstab their best friend like me. But I didn't know so I'm not a backstabbing best friend. "Excuse me ma'am are you ok" the waitress said picking up our plates. "Yea why" I said confused. "You seemed frustrated or um you know having one of those inner battle" she said. "Oh no I'm good thanks for asking" I said trying to laugh it off. "Ok well enjoy the rest of the night" she said putting down the check. "Yea thank you and my mom should be coming out soon" I said. Just as I said that my mom came around the corner with Amari. She didn't even look at me when she sat down getting her stuff. "Come on get your stuff we're leaving" my mom said putting down the money grabbing her purse. When we got in the car it was a awkward silence the one no one wants to be in. We got home and Amari just straight into her room. I didn't blame her it really hurt a lot. I went upstairs and went to the bathroom and wash my face and changed into my pajamas. "Hey baby girl" my mom said coming in my room. "Hey" I said as my eyes started to water again. "Don't cry you have nothing to cry about" my mom said running over to me hugging me. "Mom I don't want to loose my best friend" I said crying. "Did you do anything wrong" she asked making me look her straight in the face. "No" I said wiping my tears. "Ok then" she said as she got "now go to sleep you have school tomorrow". "Ok goodnight mom" I said pulling the sheet over me. "I love you" she said turning off the lights. "I love you too" I said closing my eyes.

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