Chapter 6

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I woke up with a huge headache and puffy eyes. I looked around and felt my pillow, it was wet. What happened and was I crying. I got out of my bed and I went and washed my face. I went downstairs and saw someone sitting on the counter talking to my mom. I got closer and saw Amari then it all hit me. "Good morning you guys" I said yawning a bit. "Hey good morning" they both answered. "Uh mom can I speak with you in the living room please" I asked. "Sure baby" she said going towards the living room. "What am I going to do" I whined. "Just confront him when you go to school explain to Amari what happened and get them together to talk about as a whole so any feelings and tension will be gone you know get rid of the elephant in the room" she said. "What I can't do that mom that's gonna be really hard what if Amari won't forgive me" I said. "She has to well at least I think she has to because you didn't know about it" she said. "Ugh mom I'm scared" I said. "If she is truly your best friend she would understand and be grateful that you told her now go get ready" she said going back in the kitchen. I went upstairs took a shower and then brushed my teeth. I put on my clothes and put my hair in a bun. I went downstairs and they were already at the table. "So what are you gonna do while we're gone" I asked getting my breakfast. "Um I actually came down here with service group we are gonna go down to the beach and clean it up today" Amari said taking a sip of her orange juice. "That's good maybe I can " I said getting cut off by my phone ringing. I look at it and it said Damien.
Me: hello
Damien: hey do you need a ride
Me: yea but I'll meet you at the corner
Damien: ok you can go out there in about 5 minutes
Me: alright bye
Damien: bye
I hung up the phone and they both looked at me with curiosity. "What that was my ride to school" I said eating a little more of my breakfast. "Oh yea your ride to school huh what's his name" Amari said raising her eyebrows at me. "Oh my goodness I got to go get my stuff " I said excusing myself from the table. I ran upstairs and got my bookbag and phone. I put on some perfume and went back downstairs. I kissed my mom goodbye and gave Amari a hug goodbye. "And where exactly do you think your going without me I wanna see your man" Amari said. "He isn't my man" I laughed. "Uh actually Amari I need you um I bought this um really cute um shirt yea and I need you to see if it is cute or not" my mom said nervously. "Oh ok well bye boo" Amari said hugging me. Ugh thank God for my mom. I ran outside to the corner where I was supposed to meet him. As soon as I got there he pulled up. He reached over opening the door for me. "Good morning" Damien said. "Yea same to you" I said. I guess he hinted the attitude in my voice. He stopped the car in the middle of the road. "What's wrong" he said with curiosity. "Nothing is wrong with me is something wrong with you" I said rolling my eyes. "What the heck you need to chill with whatever problem you got cause I ain't do nothing to you so loose the attitude" he snapped. "Are you kidding me you are the problem" I yelled back at him. He sat there quietly and I sat back in properly. We just sat just there in silence it was a awkward silence the whole ride to school. We got out and went our separate ways I was so mad. I was walking trying to avoid Tyrone and bumped into someone and fell. "Oh my god I am so sorry". I looked up and saw this nerd staring at me. Honestly he wasn't ugly he just needed a makeover. "It's ok" I said as he helped me up. "Hi I am Nick uh Nick Sheldon" he said. "Nice to meet you Nick I'm Madison" I said sticking out my hand. We shook hands and I began to help him pick up his books. I looked at all his books and they were pure science books. "I'm gonna take a wild guess and say your into science" I giggled handing him his books. "Yea well hopefully I can see you around" he said. "Yea of course that would be fun I guess" I said walking away backwards. I turned around and bumped into someone else. "Jesus what is wrong with " I said seeing Tyrone standing in front of me. "Where is your little boyfriend" he asked with a smirk. " First of all he isn't my boyfriend and secondly I don't know and I don't care" I said looking away from his face. " I told you all I wanted was for someone to listen to me but no they have to find out the hard way" he said putting his arm around me "I'm not mad at you and I'm gonna be here for you but like what did he do " he said as we walked down the hall. "Well my best friend is dating him and it wouldn't matter to me but I well we kissed that night she told me and I feel horrible then he was acting like nothing was wrong" I said. "Did you confront him and tell your best friend " he asked. "No but I will today" I said . "You had the perfect opportunity to this morning" he said. "Yea but I didn't want to ruin the morning" I said sitting at the nearest empty bench. "Well what about your best friend what's her name" he asked. "It's Amari and no I think I'll tell her over dinner tonight if we go out then she won't acted out cause she got home training" I said taking a sip of my water from my water bottle. "Well poor thing if only girls listened to me how do you think she gonna handle" he said with cockily. "Look at her and tell me how you think she gonna handle it" I said pulling out my phone. I showed him a picture and he sat there in awe. "Hello earth to Tyrone" I said snapping at him. "Wow she is pretty and she looks like she would kick his butt" he said laughing. "Hey me and my best friend is cute " I said boldly. "I didn't say you I said Amari so stop feeling yourself " he answered back. I sat back in my seat properly that hurt hopefully he was playing but I couldn't show that I was hurt. "Well jeez and I'm not feeling myself I'm a confident girl" I answered with attitude. "Chill don't hurt me I'm just stating the obvious" he said. "You know what I don't care what you think" I said offended. All this time I thought he liked me back and he felt like that. The bell wrong and I went to science class. I walked in and everyone was sitting with their lab partners I looked around and saw the kid from earlier in the hallway. "Hey Nick do you mind if I join you" I said sitting down next to him. "Sure you can be my partner for science now" he said smiling. We were working and throughout the whole lab some girls in front of us kept looking back and giggling. "Take a picture it lasts longer" I snapped. "Get a new catchphrase" this blonde girl said "its kinda old". "Get a new hairstyle if I may remind you that we are in the 21st century" I said as she started to fix her hair. "Says the one working with the lamest of all lab partners" she laughed with her partner. "At least his hair is up to date what's your excuse" I stated. She turned around angry and at that point and time we had the whole class attention. "Ladies if you don't mind continuing your lab" the science teacher said annoyed. "Thanks for sticking up for me since freshman year I was their target" he said. "No problem I just can't stand people who try and put theirselves higher than everyone else" I said getting back in my chair "plus your not ugly you just need a little help". "Yea right that's what I totally need" he said sarcastically. Throughout the rest of the class we laughed and talked. Every once in a while I caught the girl staring at me. The class went by fast and so did the rest of the day at lunch Nick sat with me and we made plans that I would go help him and go through his closet.


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