Chapter 4

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I woke up and looked at the clock it said 4:05. I got up and went downstairs and got something to drink. I sat on the couch and turned the tv on. I heard my phone rang I looked at the Caller ID and it said Amari. I was so happy I haven't talked to her since the day I left.
Amari: hey boo Miami is too much fun you couldn't call me
Me: hey girl and it's not that it's just that I have been really busy lately
Amari: doing what? Wait what's his name?
Me: dang girl I didn't say if it was a boy or not
Amari: well is it
Me: when you come and visit me you'll see why
Amari: ok I guess maybe soon hopefully
Me: ok so what's up
Amari: ok so last week me and this boy started dating but the only thing is it's a long distance relationship
Me: what girl you should never trust a boy in a long distance relationship he could be messing around with another girl or girls
Amari: yea but I trust him he seems very loyal and trustworthy so I don't stress it he won't be messing with another or multiple girls
Me: ok I guess anyways what's his name
Amari: his name is ........... hey I got to go my mom needs me but um I'll call later or maybe you should it wouldn't hurt you know
Me: alright bye love you * hanging up the phone*
"Hey baby who was that" my mom asked as she came inside the house. "Hey mom it was amari" I said. "You finally decided to call her? " she asked. "Haha and no she called me I just been busy" I said getting up to the kitchen. My mom give me a stank face and I started laughing. "With school and the touring thing getting to know Miami " I said helping her put away the groceries. "So you gonna sit here and tell me that there isn't no boy you think is cute or you kinda like" she said. "Well there is " i said laughing. "I thought so" she said with her hands on her hip. "Well what about you when are you getting back on the horse" I asked. " Baby I'm too old for the horse" she said laughing. "No you aren't you are just 33 you're young still" I said. "Baby I don't know we will wait and see" she said finishing up with the groceries. "Well what now?" I asked. "Um I'm thinking we go out to dinner. How about Cara Mia Trattoria" she said in her fake French accent. "Ok mom" I laughed. "Put on something nice like fancy nice" she yelled from downstairs. "Ok mom" I yelled back. I went in my closet and got my Honey and Rosie Sleeveless Illusion Skater Dress. I got my black Aldo Fevia platform pumps. And put on a gold necklace and bracelet with my MK watch. I put moose in my hair, sprayed perfume and went downstairs. My mom was in her room getting dressed and then there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Damien standing there staring at me. "Hello earth to Damien" I said he laughed. "Sorry but um uh we are going to the carnival tonight but I see you have plans so uh I'm gonna leave" he said walking off. "Wait" I said grabbing his hand. " What time are you guys leaving" I asked . He smiled " at eight tonight". " Well me and my mom are going out for dinner maybe we can make it in time to go" I said squeezing his hand tighter than I realized. "Um are you planning on letting go" he said in pain. "Oh my bad " I giggled in embarrassment. " Ok see you later" he said and then he kissed me on my cheek. I could already feel the hotness in my cheek from blushing. He left and I closed the door. " Who is that? Why are you smiling? Your blushing is that him omg he is so cute and looks all innocent omg " my mom said smiling hard. " Can we go already" I said trying to sound annoyed. "Why you guys going on a date? " she asked walking out locking the door. We got in and drove to the restaurant. I kept replaying that moment in my head and started to smile. "You know if you like him I'm here for you ok " she said rubbing my knee. We got to the restaurant and went in. We order our food but I got something light since we were going to the fair.

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