Chapter 5

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We pulled at the house around 7:20 and I immediately ran inside. I didn't know what to put on I went into my closet and looked at all my clothes. "Mom come here please I need help" I yelled. "What happened baby" she asked looking concerned. "I don't know what to wear and he said that they are leaving at 8 " I whined. "Ok well um do you know his history of girls and how they dress" she asked. "Um yea like a normal girl shorts and a shirt that shows off their body" I answered a bit confused. "Ok so you should wear regular jeans and a long sleeve because one you need to be warm and two I don't want you getting sick" she said picking the out a pair of black jeans and a gray long sleeve shirt that had the Nike logo on it. "Ok mom" I laughed. "You want to stand out from his exs they are history for a reason and they have something in common they way they dress so you want to be different and maybe you should wear your gray and black high top Nike just saying" she said walking out the room. I love my mom only her maybe I could tell her how I really feel about him. I went and showered and got dressed. I went to go flat iron my hair when I heard my phone ring it was Damien.

Damien: hey
Me: hey
Damien: are you coming tonight
Me: yea
Damien: ok I'll be there in like 10 minutes
Me: alright bye
Damien: bye

I went into the bathroom and I flat ironed my hair. When I was done I went and put on the shoes my mom suggested. I sprayed some perfume and grabbed my phone off the charger. My mom was downstairs watching tv. I went and sat next to her and she looked at me in curiosity. "How much do you want" she asked. I laughed " um I don't know ". "Ok will seventy work" she asked. I nodded my head and she gave me the money and I kissed her cheek. I ran upstairs and got my purse and put the money inside. I went back downstairs and as soon as I sat down the doorbell rang. "Go upstairs and I'll open it and then you come down all cute and stuff" she told me. I ran upstairs and she waited til I reached. Once I got up she gave me a thumbs up and I returned it. She opened the door wide enough to stick her head out. "Hi how can I help you" she asked. "Um I'm here for um uh Madison" he said. She smiled at him signaling him to come in. "Madison" she yelled. I walked down the stairs praying to god I didn't fall. My mom was staring at him and he was staring at me. I finally got down and just stood there in the awkward silence. My mom nudged him to speak. "Your ready" he asked. "Yea lets go" I said. I kissed my mom on the cheek and we left . I got in the car and buckled in we sat in silence for like three minutes. "Uh you look beautiful tonight" he said starting the car. "Thanks and you don't look bad yourself " I said . The rest of the way to the carnival we listened to music. Every once in a while I caught him staring at me and he caught me staring at him. I really didn't want to fall for a boy this hard but I couldn't help it. Maybe if I just had listen to Tyrone I wouldn't be in this mess. But yet again I wouldn't have gotten to know him. And I really did miss Tyrone as annoying he was and judge mental I really do. I picked up my phone and went to text Tyrone.

Me: hey this is Madison
Tyrone: what did that boy do you see I told you just leave him alone and look see people should listen to me when I say stuff now something is wrong
Me: chill I didn't say something was wrong so calm down
Tyrone: so why are you texting me then
Me: ugh because I wanted to apologize but I guess you don't need it I don't even know why I'm the one apologizing to you w.e I gotta go bye

I locked my phone and stuck it in my purse. I was over here feeling bad and missing him and that's how he felt. I don't even care anymore and to think I started to like him ha. "Are you ok" Damien asked. "Yea I'm fine thanks for asking" I said looking down at my hand. "Look you can talk to me you can trust me " he said. I looked up and smile at him the thought that he actually cared and told me I could trust him was something I needed. Especially after that happened with Tyrone who I need to move on from . "Thanks " I said. And once again I told him everything we talked about the situation and then somehow we got off topic. We finally pulled up in the parking lot after what felt like hours. But it was good I got to know him a lot better and vice versa. We got in a he met up with some of his fellow teammates. We entered and he put his hand over my shoulder while he was laughing with the others boys. I didn't know if he realized or not but I liked it. We went on a whole lot of rides and ate so much food from corn to cotton candy to corn dogs. We sat down a little and waited for our food to digest some . "Dang girl I never heard someone scream so much on the freak out you had the whole group of people laughing at you" he said laughing. " I was so scared that shouldn't be a ride what if someone gets a heart attack" I said laughing. We sat there and laughed for another five minutes talking about what happened. I didn't even realize that I had my feet on him until he got a phone call. He looked at me and back at the phone and then excused himself. He went a good distance away I couldn't even hear him talk. While he was gone I started talking with some of the other girls that was there. He came back and we went on a few more rides before leaving. The whole ride home was quiet except the music playing. I looked at my phone it said I had 10 unread messages and 13 missed calls. All the calls was from my mom and half of the messages was from her. The other half was from Tyrone I just ignored it and called my mom.

Mom: hello
Me: hey mom
Mom: Madison where are you do you see what time it is I have been calling you since 9:00 and not once have you replied not once you had me going crazy you always call and check in with me I have been sitting and waiting forever to hear something from you
Me: I know I know and I'm sorry I completely lost track of time but we are on our way home maybe another twenty minutes
Mom: ok see you soon bye baby
Me: bye mom

I closed my eyes and leaned against the window. We pulled up to my house and he turned the car off. "Thanks for inviting me I really had a fun time " I said. "Yea no problem and I did too" he said. We was looking at each other for a good minute and then I leaned in kissing him. We had kissed for about a good five minutes. I pulled away and said goodbye and he waved. He waited until I got in the house and then left. I was locking the door when out of nowhere someone jumped on my back. I started screaming and bit the hand that was holding on to me. The person jumped off of me and turned on the light. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh omg girl what are you doing here" I screamed jumping on Amari. " I'm here visiting you dang boo you bite hard good god" she said rubbing her hand. My mom ran out of the kitchen yelling surprise. We all laughed and went and sat on the couch. "So tell me how it went" my mom said poking me in my side. I told them everything and we both laughed. "Ok you guys ready to see my boyfriend" Amari said excitedly. We all scoot in close and I saw the picture. I looked up and my mom looked at me biting her finger. "Wow he is a cutie isn't he" my mom said nervously getting up. "Yea totally " I said laughing nervously. " I know I called him tonight and told him I was down here" she said.I got up going to the kitchen " excuse me I'll be right back". When I got in my mom had a pan in her hand " where is he imma hurt him". "Mom uh me and Damien kissed well more like made out before I came in the house" I whispered lowering the pan from my mom hand. "What in this god giving earth is wrong with him" my mom yelling but whispering at the same time. "Uh I'm gonna go to bed and it's really late" I said walking out of the kitchen. I went over to Amari and hugged her and went upstairs. I changed and went right into bed.

Author's Note
Taraji P. Henson is Madison mom

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