Whats up with Maddie?

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Authors Note:
Okay, so part of the plot is similar to @OliviaAnneMarieUser . I am not trying to steal her book in any way, I just wanted to use one of Maddie's characteristics that she used. Her fanfic is great btw! It's called "Survive." and man is it great! Anyway, enjoy reading ❤️

Kenzie's POV
"Madison!" ️My mom yells at my sister. "Review in 15 minutes, we gotta go out the door, k?" "Ok." Maddie grumbles. "Kenzie, you can either come or go to NIA's house." Mom said. "Um,I'll come with you guys." I say. My mom is in a rush, so she's crazy and forgetting things and running all love the place. I grab Maddie's arm. "C' mon Mads.." I say. Maddie seems to groan and then she grabs her makeup bag and we go to the car. "EWH, I feel gross Kenzie." She says. "You look fine!" I sAy. "Whatever. I need to do my makeup." She says. I can't believe she's ignoring me like that..I mean, I know she gets grumpy In the morning, but it usually is over by now. We first grab some starbucks because we hadn't eaten anything. Then We come to the studio of Channel 5.. And just as I predicted as soon as I walk through the door I hear a chorus of " There's our superstar, Maddie. And her little sister..um."

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