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Mackenzie POV
I'm worried about Maddie. Something doesn't feel right. I text her.

Me: hey mads¡ 💖 hope your doing good! Miss you already girl😘
Maddie takes a moment to responds with: I'm good. Gino's with me. Miss you too
Me: Gino? 😁
Maddie: umh yeah he's at rehab with weird
Me: good luck, love you 💜
Maddie: ilyt Kenzie 😘

Maddie seems distant. Idk, she usually seems more friendly and uses lots more emojis. Maybe I'm just paranoid. But I feel like us Zieglers know when something's not right. Maddie always knows immediately when I have a crush on someone. Gino. Maddie. Taxi. Rehab. Hm. Maybe I should callGino. I dial his number and he surprisingly answers. "I know what your gonna ask. Maddies fine. She's just fine she's sleeping right now." He says. "Wait. How would you know that she was sleeping since the boys rooms and girls rooms are separated..?" I say. "well you know, oh the time, now it's time for lunch, bye." He quickly hangs up. I turn off my phone. I hope that's not what I think it means. No Gino's a gentleman he wouldn't. I don't know you can never trust anyone.

I get a text from Gino:
Trust me. Everything's alright. I have maddie. She's safe. She's not hurt. She's fine. She's sleeping right now, I can send you a picture. I'm not sure if she wants you to tell your mom or not. Maddie needs some "Gino" therapy. And it's free. 😂 she's in good hands j won't lay a finger on her. She loves me again and that's all that hat matters to me now.❤️

I text back:
Be careful.💖
Tell maddie I love her.
I had a bad feeling about this

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