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Maddie PoV
As I and Gino began to just be quiet and look into the distance of the road, A car is headed towards us, Gino panics. Gino slides onto the road, into a tree. Glass splatters everywhere. Gino is screaming. I could see nothing but the glass and blood on Gino's beautiful face. I am in now sheer pain. Everything went black.

I find myself in a hospital bed.

What happened??

I look around to see if Gino is around.

Where is he?

Where is he?

Where is Gino????!?!?!

"Where is he?????HELP ME someone help me HeLP!!!!" I scream frantically.

I place my ankle down on the ground and see that my leg is severely scarred and I can still feel bits of glass in my leg. They stab me and I continue to bleed. I walk out of my hospital room, and the chords connected to my body fall apart and I feel like my stomach arteries are about to fall out. Thinking about  it, I fall to the ground which makes everything a blur. I can't breathe.

It is unlike any pain I have ever felt in my entire life.

"Gin....o......" I trail off.

"she's out, someone get a nurse! Someone get a nurse!" I hear a familiar voice say.

"I'm back bitch."

It's Ginos ex.

Roadtrip (Dance Moms Maddie Ziegler Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now