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Authors Note
Hey guys! Hope you are all having a great weekend! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter-feedback and votes are much appreciated! Thanks!

Maddie's POV
I wake up and check my insta. Oh my god. I see several hateful comments:
Maddies a slut, what the woman said was true, her sister can't sing, WHAT A BRAT. A single tear runs down my cheek onto the screen. I walk downstairs to see my mom. "Mom, I'm sorry. I just ruined my career. And Kenzie's." I say. "You did the right thing, but I think we're going to have to be more careful. Okay?" She says. More tears. Kenzie comes downstairs, sleepy-eyed. "Mads?" Kenzie says. "We have to do something about this." I say. I turn on the TV and there it is, me screaming at my mom and the woman. Headlined all over media.

My mom pulls up her laptop and searches something. I decide to watch a movie. It's only a few minutes when my mom says, "Maddie, come here, I got it!" Shes excited. I rush over to mom. "Therapy Camp..?"

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