The Interview

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Maddie's POV
"She has a NAME YOU KNOW. ITS KENZIE. MACKENZIE. MACK Z. OKAY?!!??!" I say. Woah, did that just come out of my mouth..I didn't mean to be so rude. "Madison..Ziegler...please calm down." My mom whispers. "Sorry hon, uh, Maddie, uh sorry Mackenzie." ️One of the workers says. "No no ma'am, I'm sorry, I'm really tired." I say. The woman gives a fake laugh and says "Okay hon, go down that hall to the left, k?" She says. "Sure. I mean, yes ma'am." I followed the woman's directions to see a door and I lightly knocked. "Come on in" said a woman's voice. My mom followed. "Can Kenzie come too?" ️My mom asked the lady. The lady glanced at Kenzie, and said, "Wait, that's that girl..who was a one hit wonder..Girl Party..right." the wan said. "Excuse me.." My mom said. "Nothing. Little Kenzie can sit outside." I glanced at Mackenzie who looked a little hurt. "So, question time. Where do you see yourself in 4 years?" She said. "Dancing. Dancing everywhere. In shows..or live on stage." I say. "So, do you have any celeb crushes?.." She teases. "I love Sam Smith so much..and Justin Beiber..they're both adoreAble!" "Some people described your Sia videos as not appropriate and you were showing 'too much skin' what is your response?" I sighed and stared at my mom. "Well, I see it as..Sia you know..she's a very expressive person. She wanted me to portray her as a child, kind of, and there's a lot of deep meaning and metaphors in her song, and I mean I'm a dancer, I have to wear clothes I can dance in." I say. "Rolling Stone magazine described your sister as a 'zero-talent girl' who was a pop star wannabe Maddie. Do you think your sister feels like she's in your shadow?" Right there and then, I drop my starbucks frappe and it ends up splattered all over the floor. I was angry. "Please don't bring my sister into this." I say. My mom looks embarrassed. Why wasn't she supporting me?! "I'm sorry about, you know o didn't mean.." I interrupted the lady. I stand up and turn around "Mom, let's go." I say. She looks back at the woman. "LETS GO." I say louder than i should have. As we leave the room, I notice a sign on the door of the woman's office. You may have been recorded. I go to my house and hit the hay. Oh boy.

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