The Story is Just Beginning

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A nice calm day in Nockfell lies two young teenage boys named Travis and Sal, lying in bed asleep. Travis suddenly wakes up from a nightmare, wide awake. He goes to get a glass of water only to realize the time. "Fuck" he mumbles. School is about to begin but he is still at home. He rushes to get dressed and ready. He runs to school, only to see Sal and his friends waiting outside. Travis pushes past them and walks in a little skeptical when he sees no one is inside. Sal wonders why he's in a rush even though school doesn't start for another half hour. Travis feels confused, then sees the clock in the hallway saying the correct time. "7:00... " he says unsure and confused, "I must've forgotten to change the time on the clocks... ".

Travis walks back outside and sits on the ground, far off to the side of the other kids waiting. He starts staring at Sal talking to his friends. Sal looks over at Travis from the corner of his eye. He waves at him and smiles behind his mask. Travis starts blushing and looks away from him. Sal frowns and turns back to his friends.

The door then opens and teachers start letting kids in. Travis gets up and goes inside. Sal goes to his locker, puts his stuff away, and walks over to Travis. " Uh, hi Travis!" Sal exclaims. Travis looks down at him and starts blushing a lot. "W-What do you want?!" Travis says sounding a little nervous. "Oh uh... " Sal takes a step back and says, "I just wanted to ask how your doing." He smiles at Travis. Travis glares at Sal and answers, "I've been better...?" Travis fixes his posture. "Oh... I see... " Sal says sounding a little disappointed. "Sorry about that." Travis then walks away without saying goodbye and goes up to Sal's locker. He slips a note into his locker. The bell rings, kids start running to their classes. Travis puts his stuff away in his locker and rushes to class. Sal calmly walks to class and sits down at his desk.

During lunch, Sal goes up to his locker and finds the note written by Travis. He unfolds the small piece of paper and reads it. The note says, "To Sal, From Travis, I know we don't get along much but, would you want to go down to Wendigo Lake after school?" The hand writing is not very neat and looks rushed. Sal starts smiling and blushing a little, then goes back to the cafeteria. He walks up to Travis and says, "Hey I got your note! I think I can walk with you there when school is over is that okay?" Travis starts blushing but doesn't smile, "Erm... Yeah... Uhm... Sure. That's would be okay..." Sal smiles and walks over to his friends table. Travis admires Sal from afar and dozes off.

After school, Sal and Travis walk down to Wendigo Lake together. Sal holds Travis's hand and looks up at him smiles behind his prosthetic. Travis keeps walking and tries to ignore Sal holding his hand. Sal looks in front of them, and sees the lake. Travis sits on the floor a few feet away from the water.

Sal sits next to him and looks at the water calmly. He tried to think of something to talk about then said, "So, how was your day?" Travis looks at Sal and just stares at him. "Uhh... Travis??" Sal looks at him confused. Travis blinks hard, "Huh? S-sorry..." Sal smiles softly, "It's okay. I asked how you day was." Travis seemed sort of surprised then answered, "Erm... It was good. Pretty normal school day." Sal scoots over closer to Travis and leans his head on his shoulder, "Well, at least you didn't have a terrible day." Sal sighs and closes his eyes. Travis puts his arm around Sal and blushes. They stare at the lake, in silence, both blushing. "Hey Travis?" Sal says calmly, "Do you... Want to hang out sometime later?"

Travis looks at him and tried not to look desperate and says, "Oh! Uh sure...!" Sal stands up and grabs his backpack. "Well guess I'll see you tomorrow." Travis looks up at him. Sal starts walking away towards his apartment. Travis stands up and heads to his house as well. The sun starts to go down, the lights in the neighborhoods turn on. Travis lies on his bed thinking about Sal, then falls asleep. Sal goes to his room and grabs his walkie talkie. He starts talking to his best friend Larry till they fall asleep.

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