to the salon!

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a/n: 1) i apologize for how short this chap is
2) i've been really busy with work lately and somehow forgot the password to this account so u was stuck for a good 3 days. nevertheless, enjoy! we're getting to the juicy stuff soon!

june 3rd (6 months later)

"alright class, please makes sure to check your dashboard tonight for the assignment. it should be up by 05:30 pm, no later. if it isn't up within an hour, please email me." professor hwang smiled at her students, shooing them all out of the lecture hall.

a certain fluff ball bounded out of the room, pushing past students who mingled around to chat before switching classes, immediately landing in his boyfriend's arms, holding up his most recent essay, a perfect score written across the front. the pure excitement from his smile alone caused wooyoung to plant kisses all across his face, a genuine smile covering his lips. "i knew you'd pass baby. besides, you had me as your tutor."

letting out a snort at his proclamation, san spoke. "professor hwang said i was one of 30 kids to pass." his excitement didn't die down as they made their way to the cafeteria, only passing down onto mingi once they were in each other's peripheral, both boys jumping in happiness. "you passed? i passed too!"

okay. why were they excited? passing the essay counted towards their schools points system. at the end of the year, the top fifty students in the school would be go on an all expense paid trip to a country of their choosing. san's passing grade had boosted him into the top five, where as mingi's boosted him into the top ten, setting both boys on track for the trip.

"oh my god! we're all within the top twenty! we're all going!"

the group of boys drowsed off into a conversation about the upcoming basketball tournament as well as san and yunho's recital, the younger of the two excited. this was a chance for them to get recognized by some of the biggest dance companies out there known to man and to make a mark on the recruiters. this was the chance for him to shine amongst the rest of his classmates, to hopefully come out on top and possibly earn an internship.


"stop fucking moving san. do you want bleach in your fucking eye? my fucking god..." the boy pouted softly threw the mirror, flipping felix off as he finally stayed still, watching as he applied the dye to his hair. hyunjin just laughed in the corner, watching the two interact.

"hngh are you guys this color is gonna look fine on me?" he was quite nervous about trying out the new color. sure he was usually bold and took risks in what he did to his hair and what he wore, but this color was really fucking bright and he didn't know how people would react. he wouldn't even be able to hide in plain sight anymore, it'd be like holding a sign saying 'choi san right here! bright haired boy, just look for that! bright hair!'

holy fuck was he having second thoughts now.

"correction. he's asking if wooyoung is gonna like it. and the answer is yes." san couldn't help rolling his eyes softly, questioning why he had even asked them to help with his hair. maybe because the both of them also wanted to dye their hair? or maybe because mingi and yunho were on a double date with yeosang and jongho, seonghwa and joong were at work and...he didn't want wooyoung to hate the color.


he couldn't figure it out.

the other two boys currently had plastic bags on their head, helping the bleach to process faster as felix continued to apply it to san's locks, avoiding his already lightened skunk stripe and paying attention to his dark locks. "so, did wooyoung steal your boyfriend again today?"

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