Inej Ghafa

10 1 0

I feel like the title is pretty self-explanatory, but it's about Kanej again cause I love them


She was an arrow

A spider

Splitting through the night



A Wraith

Nobody controlled her

Nobody could control her

She had been tied down once before

Taken advantage of

Now it was her turn to fight back

Take back everything that was rightfully hers

She had help though

His help

He was her accomplice through everything

His hair was night

He slipped through shadows

Almost like he was one

He had the same mission as her

Take back what was his

She was his Wraith

He was her accomplice

They would fight together

Their hearts bared with their longful gazes

Her hand grazing his 

Staring the world down together

As they always have done

And they always will do

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