Chapter 3

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The bell rang, class finally coming to an end. Felix packed up all his things, walking side by side with Hyunjin to their second period. The blonde couldn't help but search for Chan while they walked to their next class, glancing over his shoulder every now and then. 

The strange boy had seemingly disappeared into the crowd, a frown plastering on Felix's face. 

"You've been eyeing the new kid like he's some sort of prey." Hyunjin pointed out, noticing his friend's constant lingering eyes. 

"He's just so cool!" Felix smiled, growing excited to talk about the new student. 

"I want to be his friend so badly." The blonde swooned over the idea of having somebody as cool as Chan for a friend. He was automatically different from most people at his school, sticking out almost like a sore thumb. 

He couldn't help but think him and Chan were similar in that regard. They were both very different from most students in the school. Felix wore baggy khakis and sweater vests to school on the daily, something most students wouldn't be caught dead wearing. 

Chan's style was anything other than normal to most people, also making him stick out like a sore thumb. Wearing all black was seemingly taboo, something Felix could never fully understand as to why. Chan's sense of style was rare to see, yet so unique and attractive. 

"Well good luck with that." Hyunjin said. 

"What do you mean?" Felix asked, features displaying a displeased look. He couldn't help but think that the remark was a blow at him. 

"I don't mean any harm towards you, if anything it's towards him. He looks so intimidating and hard to talk to. Not to mention he's kind of scary but like in a hot way." Felix couldn't help but partially agree with his best friend. Chan looked super intimidating, so making the first move would probably be difficult.

"I'll figure something out." Felix said in response, pushing past students in the crowded halls, snaking through multiple bodies in order to get to class. 

Hyunjin and Felix walked into the second class of the day, one they shared with none other than Han Jisung, the schools biggest snitch and bible thumper. Felix had to basically pretend he didn't know Hyunjin whenever Jisung was around. If Jisung knew Felix was friends with somebody like that, he would tell everybody and their mothers at church. 

Felix took his seat, forcing out a fake smile when Jisung waved at him. Felix wasn't really a fan of Jisung, though he pretended to be his friend to keep up a façade in attempts of juggling his double life.   

The blonde pushed up his glasses, pulling his binders and pencils out from his bookbag. The class was bickering and laughing, talking amongst themselves. This was second period, meaning that the peace that was being kept would soon be disturbed the second the school bully, Lee Minho walked into class. 

Jisung was Minho's main target, tormenting the poor boy any time he saw him. The purple haired boy would soon walk into class, causing all hell to break loose. Felix couldn't help but feel bad for Jisung. He didn't particularly like the kid, but nobody deserves to be treated like shit. 

Felix was lucky he didn't get the shitty end of things. People made fun of him of course, but it wasn't nearly as bad as what Jisung got on a daily basis. People would shout harmful words at him like 'prude' or 'Virgin Mary' whenever he walked the halls. 

Remarkably enough, even though Jisung was treated like dog shit, he still remained positive somehow. That was something Felix envied about him more than anything. 

The class fell silent when Minho walked into class, a half sucked lollipop in between his plush lips. His lips glistened from the saliva, making it look like he was wearing a light layer of lip gloss. 

Minho walked in, smirk on his face when he laid eyes with Han Jisung who was quietly reading the bible. "You know that's all a crock of shit right?" Minho's venomous voice spat, leaning over Jisung's desk with an angry expression on his face. 

Nobody dared to speak up whenever stuff like this happened. It was obvious that Minho was the school bully, Jisung being his main target. Nobody ever dared to speak up against Minho. He was capable of ruining your life with the snap of a finger. 

Jisung looked up from the sacred book, teeth clenched in anger. 

"How could you say that?! This is the word of God!" Jisung shot back, earning a rough shove in response. Felix watched the whole scene unfold, attention breaking once he saw Chan walk in. He couldn't help but feel a level of happiness when he found out he had another class with him. 

Felix looked back at Hyunjin, an expression of both happiness for Felix and sadness for Jisung on his face. Chan's eyes locked onto the fight, quickly walking past the two and taking a seat next to Felix. 

"I had a wet dream about God last night." Minho chuckled, voice low and deep. Jisung's cheeks and ears went red, quickly becoming a stuttering mess. "H-how could you say such v-vulgar things about our Lord?" He cried out. Some students laughed, some remained quiet. 

Felix found nothing about the situation funny, as much as he disliked Jisung, he hated Minho even more. Minho was nothing but a spoiled brat from a rich family. He thought the world revolved around him. People like that made Felix's blood boil. He would've stepped in to defend his church buddy, but Minho scared the shit out of him. 

"Easy." The bully shrugged, lollipop resting on inside of his right cheek. "He isn't real. Believing in him is like believing in the tooth fairy." He laughed even louder, taking the stick of the lollipop in between his two fingers. His tongue swirled effortlessly around the sweet candy, a bored expression on his face. 

"S-stop saying such horrible things please-" 

"Alright class! Let's get started." The teacher walked in, finally saving Jisung from Minho's harassment. 

"Minho. Take a seat." Mr. Kim sternly spoke. The bully rolled his eyes, walking to his seat before stopping. A smirk decorated his features, eyes locking on the fresh meat aka Chan. "New meat, huh? Fuck you're hot" He giggled, eyes darting up and down the new student. Chan only glanced at him for a second before turning all his attention back onto his phone. 

He didn't bother speaking to the bully. People like that simply weren't worth his time. Frankly nobody was worth his time. Minho only scoffed, taking his seat behind Chan while pouting. Things settled down, Jisung didn't look as distressed now that Minho wasn't harassing him. 

Class started and Bang Chan was introduced for the second time that day. 


thoughts? so sorry i made minho an absolute dick in this story but like i said if you want more of this misung dynamic i may or may not consider making a mini minsung fic!!!!!!!!!

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